On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 06:00:36PM +0100, Peter Corlett wrote:

> In any case, even if one uses the Message-ID to determine whether a message 
> has been seen before, because the directly-sent one will usually arrive 
> first, it's likely that it will be delivered to the inbox, demanding 
> immediate attention rather than be filed into a mailing list folder for 
> perusal in one's CFT.

Surely you filter on ^TO_mailinglist and not on anything silly like
whether it says [mailinglist] in the subject?

> One could of course attempt to detect this particular case by examining the 
> To: and Cc: headers looking for list submission addresses, but that involves 
> creating more software, which is hateful, ...

Thankfully it doesn't involve creating software, as procmail already

> Besides, one day some berk is going to Bcc: the list because they're too lazy 
> to check what addresses they're spamming, and it'll all just break again.

For people like that, that nice Mr. Raymond invented guns.

David Cantrell | Nth greatest programmer in the world

    Erudite is when you make a classical allusion to a
    feather.  Kinky is when you use the whole chicken.

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