On 29 Apr 2010, at 20:53, David Cantrell wrote:
Surely you filter on ^TO_mailinglist and not on anything silly like
whether it says [mailinglist] in the subject?

I filter based on List-Id:, or if it's missing, some other header that's 
obviously going to be unique and unchanging for that list (e.g. envelope 
sender, assuming VERP is not in use). To:/Cc: detection isn't quite as reliable 
as you might think: I've tried it in the past and there are some pretty 
ingenious fools who keep on breaking it, sometimes to the point where I might 
as well just let the list traffic pile up in my inbox and manually file it away 
after I've read it. (I generally solve that problem by unsubscribing from the 
list as it's too much effort.)

One could of course attempt to detect this particular case by examining the To: 
and Cc: headers looking for list submission addresses, but that involves 
creating more software, which is hateful, ...
Thankfully it doesn't involve creating software, as procmail already

Exim Filter here, but I consider rulesets using such powerful languages to 
still be software. procmailrc is *definitely* software, given that it's only 
understandable by computers and not mere mortals.

Besides, one day some berk is going to Bcc: the list because they're too lazy 
to check what addresses they're spamming, and it'll all just break again.
For people like that, that nice Mr. Raymond invented guns.

I tend to prefer the inventions of Messrs Fullers, Theakston, Balvenie et al 
for dealing with such things. It keeps me out of prison, for a start.

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