This is a variation on the brain-damaged credit card number input field (where they couldn't be bothered to add one line of code to filter out spaces, but go to the effort to document this limitation -- or not) that you all know and hate.

This time it's a phone number. The difference is that whereas credit card numbers only contain spaces for non-digits, phone numbers are written (at least in the US, at least by people who aren't trying to be avante garde dorks by deliberately using bogus formats) as (123) 456-7890.

This field was annotated with the message "Please do not use dashes". Very well, then. I enter "123 456 7890" (after deleting the hyphen I initially forgot to omit) and submit.

I get the error "Please enter a valid phone number using the following format: 5551234."

Wait, what?  I can't use an area code?  WTF?

Oh. Obviously, the reason it asks me not to use dashes is because it can't handle dashes *or spaces*.

And apparently the error message was lifted from an older, pre-area- code program that was written in the 1950s. Although I'm not sure how they got Apache to talk to perl, since CGI hadn't been invented yet.


P.S. Adding '$num =~ s/[() -]//g' before the validation would be prohibitively invasive and costly. Of course, gratuitously converting my email address to all caps (in violation of every version of the standard) is no problem.

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