On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:31:54PM +0530, Saager Mhatre wrote:
> does this work? is anybody out there?

Well the message made it through however many mail relays, spam filters,
and other potential misdirections both intentional and otherwise... so
probably yes.

OBHate: I am a new iPhone owner(1).  As an ex-Blackberry user, I found that
my use expectations were prepared for the total lack of mail filtering by
RIM's recent update to something that totally broke my BES-based

But still I like to have access to my email on my handset, but don't
actually want to be bothered by most of it(2), so I implemented Outlook
Exchange filters(3) to move incoming emails into various folders under
varying circumstances.  So now I have three folders: one which has mail
I don't care about, one which has mail I care about but don't want to be
alerted on my handheld when it arrives, and one which has mail that I
both care about and want to be alerted about when it arrives.


Under some circumstances -- the damned iPhone will alert when mail goes
into the second folder!

Near as I can figure, if you press the home or lock button while in the
mail app when either A) viewing the second folder, or B) viewing the
index after the second folder was the last folder you viewed, then the
app "remembers" that as an active folder and alerts when messages arrive
in it.

I suspect that this is a bug introduced by the fact that the mail app
was written before background apps were actually multitasked, so the
mail app thinks it is still open even if it isn't.

All this means that I have an incredible amount of swiping and clicking
to do when reading email just so the damn thing doesn't annoy me.

(1) Probably, enough said.  But I'm new to this iPhone thing.

(2) I knew someone who's had an iPhone for years and never figured this
out.  So once a month when he's on call and can't mute the
new-email-arrival-notification, he spent the month sleeping in the
basement so his SO could actually sleep.

(3) There's probably something pithy to be said about using Exchange to
cover up for a perceved deficiency in _anything_ else, but I can't think
of it now.

/ /()\ \ David Mackintosh | 
         d...@xdroop.com  | http://www.xdroop.com

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