Dave Brown <dagbr...@lart.ca> wrote:
> Remember when emacs was at version 1.18?  Then they decided to drop the
> "1" and go the version-hyperinflation route.

Sheesh. And xterm is on version 258 and less is on version 436. The sky is

> Kind of like how Apple short-circuited the iPad version number inflation
> before it even hit "3" by declaring that henceforth, the current iPad,
> no matter what its specs, will be simply referred to as the "iPad".

See also the model names of the iMac and MacBook. Not a new thing with Apple.

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Sole, Lundy, Fastnet: Northeast 4 or 5, occasionally 6 later. Slight or
moderate, becoming moderate or rough. Occasional rain. Good, occasionally

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