Peter Corlett <> wrote:
> I'd like to throw in the fun breakage caused by the combination of adding
> two unnecessary bits of syntactic sugar to Perl. Somebody decided that
> auto-deref would be nice, so you can do "each $hashref" and "pop $arrayref".
> And then somebody else clearly huffed a bit too much PHP and decided that
> hash operations should also work on arrays where possible, even if it
> doesn't make sense.[0] Quick now, what does "each $foo" do, buried 94 levels
> deep in the call stack of your Enterprise Quality Software?

I've heard that complaint before, and I honestly don't understand it.
Among the reasons people use OO is so that the meaning of `$obj->meth`
can be determined at run time, not compile time.  If `each $x` is so
confusing in Perl 5.14+ that it shouldn't be used "deep in the call
stack", isn't that also true of method invocations?

Aaron Crane **

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