Well, while we're ranting about stupid language design desisions...

I would like to dish out a special platter of hate for Puppet.

Well, not a programming language per se.

But Puppet is special in that it's intended to be a *descriptive* language.
So you describe how your servers are to be configured.

Ugh… let's not even talk about the broken-ass scoping and inheritance rules. (Which they are slowly improving, but ugh.) Oh and the "false" is a boolean if it's internal, but a string of it's from facter. That caused no end of confusion when "if $var" was continually evaluating as true, even though it was clearly defined as false, I mean "false".
I'm personally of the opinion that they should abandon the custom DSL in favor 
of a pure ruby implementation, but I seem to be on the losing end of that 


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