As some of you know, I've been playing with HBase on/off for the past few

I'd like your take on some cluster setup/configuration setting that you’ve
found successful.  Also, any other thoughts on how I can persuade usage of

Assume:  Working with ~2 TB of data.  A few very tall tables. Hadoop/HBase

1.      What specs should a master box have (speed, HD, RAM)?  Should Slave 
be different?
2.      Recommended size of cluster?  I realize this depends on what
load/performance requirements we have, but I’d like to know your thoughts
based on #1 specs.
3.      Should zookeeper quorums run on different boxes than regionservers?

Basically if you could give some example cluster configurations with the
amount of data your working with that would be a lot of help (or point me to
a place were this has been discussed for .20).  Currently I don’t have the
funds to play around with a lot of boxes, but I hope to soon.  :)  Thanks.

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