On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 8:58 AM, llpind <sonny_h...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Playing with the HBase perfomanceEval Class, but it seems to take a long
> time to run “sequentialWrite 2” (~20 minutes).  If I simply emulate 1
> clients in a simple program, I can do 1 Million Puts in about 3 minutes
> (non
> mapred).  The sequential write is writing 2 million with 2 clients.  Please
> help in understanding how to use the performanceEvaluation Class.

If the number of clients is > 1, unless you add the '--nomapred' (sp?)
argument, PE launches a mapreduce program of N tasks.  Each task puts up a
client writing 1M rows (IIRC).  Try N where N == number_of_map_slots and see
what that does?  N == 2 probably won't tell you much.  You could also set an
N > 1 and use the '--nomapred'.  This will run PE clients in a distinct
thread.  For small numbers of N, this can put up heavier loading than MR
with its setup and teardown cost.


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