Out of interest, was this doc used or if so, is it out of date:



On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Andrew Purtell <apurt...@apache.org> wrote:
> That's what I still want to know. I also use a Windows system just about on a 
> daily basis to develop and test HBase.
> I think the objection really is about needing Cygwin (or $deity forbid 
> Mingwin) to run the scripts to launch a multiprocess install. Windows guys 
> just don't want to deal with UNIX-isms. Am I wrong?
> However everything can run in a single JVM now, so we aren't far away from 
> java -jar hbase-all.jar.
>   - Andy
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Jonathan Gray <jl...@streamy.com>
>> To: hbase-user@hadoop.apache.org
>> Sent: Tue, March 2, 2010 4:17:50 AM
>> Subject: RE: Why windows support is critical
>> What are the issues with developing w/ HBase on Windows 7 x64?  I'm doing
>> that right now and nothing was any different from doing it on Windows XP
>> x86.
>> I haven't run it to the point of actually doing a start-hbase.sh, but rather
>> running things like HBaseClusterTestCase w/o a problem.
>> JG
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nocones77-gro...@yahoo.com [mailto:nocones77-gro...@yahoo.com]
>> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 8:48 AM
>> To: hbase-user@hadoop.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Why windows support is critical
>> This is my first post to the group, so I'm not sure I have a lot to add to
>> the conversation yet. But I've been lurking/searching for a week now, and
>> wanted to add a "me too" to Ravi's comments.
>> The quick-start would be fantastic if it actually worked cross-platform and
>> did something meaningful. But I've been very
>> frustrated by the problems just doing development on Windows 7 x64,
>> which appear to have been experienced by others too but not fixed. Had I
>> understood how much of a pain this alone would be, I'd have contemplated
>> re-installing my OS, but this didn't become apparent until after several
>> days of struggle, and hindsight is 20/20.
>> I ended up creating a pseudo-distributed installation on Ubuntu in a
>> Virtual Box. It all works fine from localhost, and I can run the shell. But
>> I don't see how that's useful to anyone who actually wants to build a real
>> application. I'm struggling to
>> figure out how to "connect" to it from a remote Java client. The
>> documentation in this area seems to be sorely lacking, and the painfully
>> brief "Also note:" comment in the quick start doesn't seem to actually work.
>> (preemptive comment: yes, I know Virtual Box and can connect to the Ubuntu
>> machine in every other way I've tried)
>> Unlike Ravi, I'm confident that the time investment will pay off, and I am
>> viewing this as an opportunity to really understand what's going on under
>> the covers. I've been building large-scale (mostly SaaS) applications in
>> Java for
>> over ten years and I'm very comfortable with Linux. But it has still been
>> difficult to get started with HBase. I'm making progress...but VERY slowly.
>> Like Ravi, I'm also working by myself, attempting to start something new,
>> and need to show progress ASAP.
>> Anyway, the bottom line is that the initial learning curve of
>> "bin/start-hbase.sh and start playing around" turned out to not work
>> cross-platform, and wasn't very very useful, even when it worked. I've
>> resigned myself to having to understand
>> almost everything about the entire Hadoop+ZooKeeper+HBase architecture just
>> to do a meaningful "hello world" from a Java client. I
>> understand why some might give up...
>> Neal
>> ________________________________
>> From: Ravi
>> To: hbase-user@hadoop.apache.org
>> Cc: Tim Robertson
>> Sent: Sun, February 28, 2010 5:24:48 PM
>> Subject: Re: Why windows support is critical
>> Tim, the only thing I can say to that is that the project needs to be
>> able to grow to the size where it will become EC2 capable.
>> Essentially I represent 1-2 person startups in garages where time to
>> market is probably one of the most important criteria. Environment setup
>> time and learning curve are factors against widespread adoption for any
>> software.
>> On 2/28/2010 11:54 AM, Tim Robertson wrote:
>> > For 2) if you look at slides 15,16,17 of
>> > http://www.slideshare.net/ghelmling/hbase-at-meetup you can see there
>> > are some nice higher level APIs popping up for HBase that help you
>> > deal with Objects and not Byte[].  That is open source and can be
>> > pulled from http://github.com/ghelmling/meetup.beeno which might be of
>> > interest.  There are others floating around as well that might be
>> > worth checking out.
>> >
>> > Isn't Windows used only for .Net development? (;
>> > I'd have thought that if a project is of sufficient size to consider
>> > HBase, then it is big enough that people would set up appropriate dev
>> > environments (Mac, Linux, or windows and use EC2 or something as the
>> > dev/test cluster).
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Ravi  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I understand that and I agree it cannot be used on windows in production.
>> >> However
>> >>
>> >> 1. I am talking about windows as a development environment.
>> >> 2. I am talking about ease of use of API provided
>> >>
>> >> These are two critical needs of any web application developer. Don't you
>> >> think?
>> >>
>> >> Ravi
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 2/28/2010 11:09 AM, Jeff Zhang wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> But HBase is build upon hadoop which is not supposed to run on windows
>> as
>> >>> production environment.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Ravi    wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Hi everybody,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I want to bring up a critical issue i.e. windows support. Today I
>> decided
>> >>>> to move away from hbase to mongoDB and I want to explain why and I hope
>> >>>> this
>> >>>> will help the hbase team understand needs of users like me and
>> ultimately
>> >>>> a
>> >>>> better product.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I am an entrepreneur working on a web application. I do not have big
>> >>>> money
>> >>>> or big team. So while I am trying to move a mountain, I want the path
>> of
>> >>>> least resistance and want a DB that does not pose additional
>> challenges.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Ultimately I found hbase to be more difficult to install and API to be
>> >>>> difficult to use on my windows machine (where I am doing the
>> >>>> development).
>> >>>> After struggling for a few days, I realize that I am losing steam and I
>> >>>> better choose a path of least resistance and I am switching to mongoDB.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I do think that hbase is currently ahead. Mongo DB is missing a few
>> >>>> critical features for a large website. However if I lose steam, there
>> >>>> wouldnt be a website.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> So I request the hbase team to think if users like me and windows
>> >>>> development environment is important enough for the team. A one click
>> >>>> install on windows and mongoDB like driver would go a long way to
>> compete
>> >>>> with other DBs.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I hope that helps
>> >>>> Ravi
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >

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