We haven¹t released any HCP templates yet (at least as far as I know), but
there are several issues worth thinking about here:

1) Other templates are blurry mainly because spatial smoothing was applied
to them and cross-subject alignment was achieved with registration that
does not align cortical areas on the surface.  That means that going to 7T
or higher resolutions won¹t really help you if you are not also avoiding
smoothing your data and taking care to align it properly across subjects.
2) Internally, we have seen that it is possible to get quite less blurred
group average RSN maps (or task fMRI maps, etc) if you do your
registration on the surface using features that are closely related to
cortical areas (like myelin, resting state networks, or task fMRI maps),
rather than cortical folding patterns.  While we do want to release these
data publicly, most of the analyses are not yet published.  You can get a
head start and a substantial portion of the benefits by using the CIFTI
data and not smoothing.



On 4/18/14, 3:10 PM, "TMS-Studie" <t...@mailbox.tu-dresden.de> wrote:

>Dear HCPers
>on this HCP webpage
>high resolution resting state networks are shown (figure 2). As I
>searched the web I only found 2 studies using 7T for rs fmri
>investigation which aren't related to the HCP. Could you tell who is
>the author of the (preliminary) study results?
>And might it be possible to get the results as nifti templates? Other
>resting state templates are fairly blurry and so it would be better to
>cross-check the own results with such high resolution results.
>HCP-Users mailing list

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