
I am now seeing the data of "behavioral data" from "Quick Downloads,"
having several problems.

My questions are:

1. I know that HCP have datas of "Fluid Intelligence(Pennn Progressive
Matrices)" on each subjects with number of correct responses, total skipped
items, and median reaction time, but I can't see them from "behvioral data."
Where can I find them for each subject?

2.Downloading the "behavioral data", now I can have the data of "suraface
Can I have the information of which part they decided as a particular
region(say right cuneus) in nii files(or else) for all 66 regions?

3.From "HCP MR Data  Q3 Releases," I can see unrelated subjects(like "80
Unrelated Subjects")
Does "unrealted" mean that they are the data of not-so-special people (or
the data with having Gaussian manner) in U.S.?

Sorry for taking your time,
Ikko Kimura

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