As far as I know, caret5's multi-fiducial mapping is volume->surface rahter 
than surface->volume.

The caret_command method works, but you'll need to convert HCP surf.gii -> 
caret5 coord/topo (caret_command -file-convert -sc …).  And your label.gii or 
func.gii will need to be converted, too (caret_command -file-convert 
-format-convert BINARY …).

On Jun 4, 2014, at 7:22 PM, Timothy Coalson <> wrote:

> Workbench currently doesn't have a way to do that.  caret5 has a way to do 
> this (caret_command -surface-to-volume, and there is another method called 
> multi-fiducial mapping, though I'm not sure how to invoke it), though you may 
> need to do some file conversion.
> On a side note, FSL's probtrackx does support surface data, and is generally 
> what we advocate for tractography.
> Tim
> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:50 AM, basile pinsard <> 
> wrote:
> Hi hcp experts,
> I was wondering if anybody knew a way to map back to volume the values in a 
> surface gifti from HCP data. The main interest is to create ROIs on the 
> surface using this topological constraint and then send it back to volume for 
> let say a tractography software which does not support surface.
> mri_surf2vol won't work as it requires the freesurfer structure (which can 
> certainly be restored by converting all the HCP files).
> Many thanks
> -- 
> Basile Pinsard
> PhD candidate
> Laboratoire d'Imagerie Biomédicale, UMR S 1146 / UMR 7371, Sorbonne 
> Universités, UPMC, INSERM, CNRS
> Unité de Neuroimagerie Fonctionnelle, CRIUGM, Université de Montréal
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