On 9/9/14, 2:48 PM, "Glasser, Matthew" <glass...@wusm.wustl.edu> wrote:

>I¹d recommend option ii.
>You can use the surfaces and label data in the
>${StudyFolder}/${SubjectID}/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k folder together
>with the dense timeseries data.  To load the data into matlab, you can use
>these attached matlab functions together with wb_command and the matlab
>GIFTI toolbox:
>cii = ciftiopen(Œpath/to/file¹,¹path/to/wb_command¹);
>CIFTIdata = cii.cdata;
>Some lines of analysis code
>newcii = cii;
>newcii.cdata = AnalysisOutput;
>Or if the data matrix is a different size from what you started with
>And then you can view your result in Connectome Workbench¹s wb_view on the
>32k standard surfaces.
>On 9/9/14, 10:22 AM, "K. Wagstyl" <kw...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>>I'm trying to carry out some analysis on the preprocessed resting-state
>>fMRI but running into some problems with the *.dtseries.nii files.
>>The first part of the analysis was carried out on structural data in
>>freesurfer and matlab (using labels etc)
>>Is there any way of converting the resting-state data into a format for
>>similar analysis?
>>In other words, either
>>i) mapping the time series to individuals' freesurfer-space vertices
>>ii) importing the grayordinate data into matlab?
>>HCP-Users mailing list

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