Hi Tzvetan,

It sounds you want to do a beamformer type of source reconstruction using 
source positions defined on a 3D grid. You could use the provided data for 
this, where the individual grids are in register with a grid in normalised 
volume. Assuming you are doing all in FieldTrip anyway, you could interpolate 
the volumetric atlas onto one of the template grids (which are part of the 
software release, but can also be found in FieldTrip), which will give you the 
anatomical labelling for each of your beamformer’s dipole positions right away. 
Alternatively, if you would really want to create your own 3D-grid, you should 
plug in the appropriate transformation matrix from the transform text-file into 
the anatomical MR-structure. A different route altogether, and this is what the 
HC-consortium is pushing for, is to work in surface-registered space. This does 
much more credit to the analysis of the data from the haemodynamic and 
structural modalities. Although it’s still an open question whether MEG in 
itself will benefit from a surface-based analysis (when using beamformers), you 
could consider using the cortical sheet source models, in combination with an 
anatomical labeling defined on the surface (e.g. the Conte69 atlas). Of note, 
if you were working on the surface, you could benefit from any cool 
parcellation schemes that may be coming out of the consortium soon. 

Best wishes,


On Apr 27, 2015, at 9:37 AM, Tzvetan Popov <tzvetan.po...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jan-Mathijs,
>> Hi Tzvetan,
>> Which anatomical MR are you using?
>  I’m using '100307_3T_T1w_MPR1.nii.gz’. 
>> Note that the ‘baked in’ fiducial locations are indeed approximate, but they 
>> only make sense in context of the anatomical image in which they have been 
>> clicked. This image was a 1mm resolution image with a sufficient field of 
>> view to capture the entire scalp surface + facial details. This image is not 
>> part of the released data. 
> Got it. Want work then indeed. I assumed that the approximate locations are 
> based on the provided MRI. All clear.
>> Thus, in short, the fiducial locations (defined in voxels) don’t make sense 
>> in the context of the anatomical image you are using. 
>> Since everything is already in register (and the co-registration details are 
>> represented in the 100307_MEG_anatomy_transform.txt), what is it you want to 
>> do?
> Yes all is co-registred and I was able to do source analysis etc. What I 
> wanted to do is to re-compute the sourcemodel warped in the aal-mni-space 
> instead of mni-space as it is now.
> Many thanks
> tzvetan
>> Best wishes,
>> Jan-Mathijs
>> Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen, MD PhD 
>> Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics,
>> Nijmegen, The Netherlands
>> Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, 
>> Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
>> Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
>> j.schoffe...@donders.ru.nl
>> Telephone: +31-24-3614793
>> http://www.hettaligebrein.nl
>> On Apr 27, 2015, at 8:08 AM, Tzvetan Popov <tzvetan.po...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear hcp-users,
>>> I am trying to coregister the individual MRI and the 4D coordinates using 
>>> the fiducial information provided in ‘100307_MEG_anatomy_fiducials.txt’. 
>>> When using the provided voxel coordinates the anatomical image is 
>>> misaligned (see attached figure 2). Interactively providing the approximate 
>>> coordinates of the fiducials aligned the volume correctly (attached figure 
>>> 1). It appears to me that the provided voxel coordinates are somewhat off. 
>>> . Am I doing something wrong, has anybody encountered similar problem?
>>> Thanks a bunch in advance
>>> tzvetan
>>> Here is the code snippet that will produce the two figures
>>>     cfg=[];
>>>     cfg.method = 'fiducial';
>>>     cfg.fiducial.nas = [ 40 154 94 ];% hcp locations
>>>     cfg.fiducial.lpa = [ 139 168 169 ];% hcp locations
>>>     cfg.fiducial.rpa = [ 141 171 26 ];% hcp locations
>>>     mriR = ft_volumerealign(cfg, mri);
>>>     ft_determine_coordsys(mriR, 'interactive', 'no’);
>>>     cfg=[];
>>>     cfg.method = 'fiducial';
>>>     cfg.fiducial.nas = [128 299 141 ];% my interactive locations
>>>     cfg.fiducial.lpa =  [ 240 148  91 ];% my interactive locations
>>>     cfg.fiducial.rpa = [ 29 157  80];% my interactive locations
>>>     mriR = ft_volumerealign(cfg, mri);
>>>     ft_determine_coordsys(mriR, 'interactive', 'no');
>>> <Misaligned.png><Aligned correctly.png>
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