Hi all,

I am trying to create a random parcellation for the HCP data. I have
created the parcellations first using the fsaverage subject and am trying
to map these onto the HCP subjects.

First I have map the annotation from the source (fsaverage) to the subject
using mri_surf2surf (for each hemisphere individually). Usually this just
uses a sphere.reg file but the HCP data doesn't have the file in this
format. Is the {subject}.{hemisphere}.sphere.reg.native.surf.gii (located
under MNINonLinear/Native) the file I should be using here?

Next I turn the annotations into labels using mri_annotation2label. Which
surface file do I need to specify it to run (is it the same as above)?

Then I run mri_label2vols. Again which surface file should I be inputting?
Should it now be the  {subject}.{hemisphere}.white.native.surf.gii? Also is
there a way with this command I can specify it to find a thickness file
(i.e. {subject}.{hemisphere}.thickness.native.surf.gii) as by default it is
looking for an lh or rh .thickness file.

Thanks in advance!

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