The -cift-convert command is only files that are organized the way cifti is
- the data in question has to have already been in cifti space before using
the command will do anything for you.  The nifti files written and accepted
by the command are "fake" nifti files, they only superficially resemble
volume files in their header info, they will not display meaningfully as a

If what you have is nifti volume files, then you will want to use commands
like -volume-to-surface-mapping and -cifti-create-dense-from-template (if
you already have a good surface registration) or
-cifti-create-dense-timeseries .  You may want to make use of the HCP
pipelines to do many of these steps for you.

Alternatively, if you are only doing math within a subject (not across
subjects), then the -volume-math command may do what you want.


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Joe Borrello <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm a PhD student just getting started on a project that involves
> analyzing some data from the 500 subjects release and wanted to know if
> anyone has had any experience using the *-cifti-convert -from-nifti 
> *operations
> to make cifti files. Ultimately, the goal is to compare test-retest
> variability in myelin maps using the T1w/T2w method and the means of
> comparison I was aiming to do would involved cifti-math.
> Thanks in advance,
> Joe Borrello
> --
> Joseph Borrello
> CEO & Co-Founder, Dynami-Cal Inc.
> Biomedical Engineer, MSIT Rapid Prototyping Center
> Research Assistant, Mount Sinai TMII
> PhD Candidate, ISMMS
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