Hi Tim,

Thanks for your response. Within the Resting State fMRI 1 preprocessed in
the 500 Subjects + MEG2, I see the rfMRI_REST1_LR.nii.gz, which I presume
is the Nifti-1 data. And then I see an rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas.dtseries.nii  -
Is that the dtseries.nii Cifti you refer to? Could you explain a bit more
about what's special about the Cifti file? I understand it Cifti is able to
handle  surface vertices and subcortical voxels in one file (i.e. gray

My ultimate goal is to parcellate the brain into cortical regions of
interest, in order to ultimately look at regional functional connectivity
matrices. Do I need the dtseries.nii cifti for that? It seems like the
advantage of that is having surface vertices (i.e. knowing the precise
shape of the surface of the brain) - which I don't think I need for a
standard FC matrix...


On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 6:16 PM, Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu> wrote:

> The .nii.gz files are nifti-1 volumes, while the .dtseries.nii files are
> Cifti files.  If you need spatial information, converting Cifti to nifti-1
> is not the way to go about it, instead you could use wb_command
> -cifti-separate into metric (.func.gii, one per hemisphere) and volume
> files, or use whatever -cifti-* commands are applicable to what you want to
> do spatially.
> Tim
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Joelle Zimmermann <
> joelle.t.zimmerm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm working with the 500subjects + MEG2 preprocessed Resting State fMRI
>> 1 Preprocessed dataset.
>> Is the data just standard voxel-wise Nifti (it indeed looks like
>> Nifti-1), or is it in a Cifti format that I need to convert to Nifti? My
>> goal is to parcellate this data into ROI's, and I have a script that does
>> this based on voxel-wise data, but as I understand Cifti is in gray
>> ordinates.
>> Thanks,
>> Joelle
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