
Many thanks for the replies!

@Donna, thanks for the info. This is certainly good to know, but I wonder
how cross-hemisphere registration affects my problem since I'm only using
the left hemisphere...?

@Tim, I actually don't need the individual subjects' registrations as I
just want to register a single group-level map, I just used a spherical
mesh from an individual to run the -metric-resample command since I
couldn't find a group-level fs_LR sphere (I assumed this wouldn't make a
difference, but perhaps I'm wrong?). I specifically need to register to
fsaverage5 since I'd like to compare to an independent dataset in this
space. Using the atlas-to-atlas registrations you referred to from the
pipeline repository, I wonder if it would make sense for me to first
upsample from fs_LR_32k using
fsaverage.L_LR.spherical_std.164k_fs_LR.surf.gii and then downsample to
fsaverage5 from there?

Thanks again!


On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 11:25 PM, Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu> wrote:

> The -surface-sphere-project-unproject command is used for concatenating
> registrations, and since you want to go from fs_LR to fsaverage, which is a
> registration that we compute, concatenating registrations isn't the way to
> get there.
> However, I don't know if we release the fsaverage registrations
> per-subject (to us, they are an intermediate registration).  We appear to
> have atlas-to-atlas registrations available in the pipeline repository,
> under global/templates/standard_mesh_atlases, the fs_L and fs_R directories
> contain the fsaverage spheres registered to fs_LR as I understand it.
> Do you specifically need to be in fsaverage, or is just a simple
> downsampling okay?  We have lower resolutions of fs_LR, for instance 20k,
> and you can also create near-arbitrary resolution spheres if you want more
> control over downsampling.  For some analyses, parcellation could be more
> appropriate than downsampling.
> It should be noted that using the individual subjects fsaverage
> registration would discard the registration improvements made by MSM (for
> MSMsulc, mainly less distortion).  If an atlas-to-atlas registration is
> used, then the registration improvements may be retained (alignment
> improvements will be retained, distortion will depend on the method used
> for atlas to atlas registration), but of course will give a different
> result than actually using freesurfer's registration.
> Tim
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Donna Dierker <do...@brainvis.wustl.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi Estrid,
>> Help from others is likely to be needed, but I can help a little.
>> The HCP surfaces get to 32k_fs_LR mesh via the Freesurfer registration
>> (?h.sphere.reg); however, the fs_LR mesh is not the same as the fsaverage
>> mesh, even though it is based on it.  The fsaverage left and right
>> hemispheres are not in registration with one another.  Vertex i in the left
>> hem could be in the occipital lobe, while it could be in the frontal lobe
>> in the right hem.  The fs_LR mesh is in register across hemispheres --
>> vertices in left and right hems are in as close to the same place as
>> registration could get them to be.  This facilitates cross-hem analyses.
>> There is a relevant script here:
>> https://github.com/Washington-University/Pipelines/blob/master/PostFreeSurfer/scripts/FreeSurfer2CaretConvertAndRegisterNonlinear.sh
>> Specifically this line i sthe one to be studied:
>> > #Concatenate FS registration to FS --> FS_LR registration
>> > ${CARET7DIR}/wb_command -surface-sphere-project-unproject
>> "$AtlasSpaceFolder"/"$NativeFolder"/"$Subject"."$Hemisphere".sphere.reg.native.surf.gii
>> "$AtlasSpaceFolder"/fsaverage/"$Subject"."$Hemisphere".sphere."$HighResMesh"k_fs_"$Hemisphere".surf.gii
>> "$AtlasSpaceFolder"/fsaverage/"$Subject"."$Hemisphere".def_sphere."$HighResMesh"k_fs_"$Hemisphere".surf.gii
>> "$AtlasSpaceFolder"/"$NativeFolder"/"$Subject"."$Hemisphere".sphere.reg.reg_LR.native.surf.gii
>> If you're like me, it will take a few days for you to get your head
>> around it.
>> But I think something like this -- projecting to one standard surface and
>> unprojecting from another -- will be the answer.  It might take multiple
>> hops to get there, but probably only until you get the magic spheres you
>> need to make this work.
>> I still struggle with understanding the distinction between meshes whose
>> vertices are in correspondence, and ones that have differing numbers of
>> vertices, but a spatially aligned with one another.
>> Donna
>> On Apr 18, 2016, at 8:47 AM, Estrid Jakobsen <ejakob...@cbs.mpg.de>
>> wrote:
>> > Dear experts,
>> >
>> > I'm trying to use wb_command -metric-resample to downsample a vector of
>> data points from fs_LR_32k (32492x1) to fsaverage5 (10242x1) space.
>> >
>> > If I'm not mistaken, this should be possible without prior
>> registration, because the HCP fs_LR_32k surfaces and the fsaverage5 surface
>> should already be in register. I've saved my data vector as a metric gifti
>> file (data.func.gii) in matlab by loading a pre-existing .gii file using
>> the gifti toolbox and replacing gifti.cdata with my own data vector. I'm
>> then running the following command:
>> >
>> > wb_command -metric-resample data.func.gii
>> 100307.L.sphere.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii fsa5.lh.sphere.surf.gii ADAP_BARY_AREA
>> data_fsa5.func.gii -area-surfs 100307.L.inflated.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii
>> fsa5_lh.inflated.surf.gii -current-roi mask.func.gii -valid-roi-out
>> roi_out.func.gii
>> >
>> > The command runs without errors, but the output looks strange (see
>> attachment). It seems as though the neighborhood information is preserved
>> but the coordinates are not, especially obvious by the medial wall mask
>> being shifted anterior. I've tried running the command with and without the
>> -area-surfs and -current-roi (to mask out the medial wall) options, neither
>> of which seem to make any difference.
>> >
>> > Any suggestions as to what might be going wrong here would be very much
>> appreciated.
>> > Thanks!
>> >
>> > Estrid
>> >
>> > ****************
>> > Estrid Jakobsen
>> > PhD Student, IMPRS NeuroCom
>> > Department of Neurophysics
>> > Max Planck Research Group Neuroanatomy and Connectivity
>> > Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
>> > +49 341 9940-2423
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>> > HCP-Users mailing list
>> > HCP-Users@humanconnectome.org
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>> >
>> > <groupconn45_fsa5.png>
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Estrid Jakobsen
PhD Student, IMPRS NeuroCom
Department of Neurophysics
Max Planck Research Group Neuroanatomy and Connectivity
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
+49 341 9940-2423

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