The easier way is to use -cifti-merge (or wb_shortcuts -cifti-concatenate
for simpler syntax), then -cifti-reduce.  It is possible to do with
-cifti-math, but not as convenient.


On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Michael F.W. Dreyfuss <> wrote:

> Thank you, that works. Then if I want multiple parcels to be collapsed
> into a single ROI to make a mask spanning several ROIs that are not
> considered separate keys, which command would do that.
> Thank you,
> Michael
> On Sep 27, 2016, at 5:26 PM, Timothy Coalson <> wrote:
> The easiest way to deal with this is probably to use -cifti-separate to
> get them as gifti label files, which are each single-hemisphere.  The use
> of the same key/name for both hemispheres was an unfortunate choice, which
> we intended to avoid in the future.
> Tim
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 4:15 PM, Michael F.W. Dreyfuss <
>> wrote:
>> Thank you,
>> The problem was that the computer I was using before had an older version
>> of workbench. It works on my current computer.
>> As far as using
>> -cifti-label-to-roi
>> How would that work with files like Human.Brodmann09.32k_fs_LR.dlabel.nii
>> where the ROIs in both hemispheres are under the same key? If I want to
>> look at BA44 in the right hemisphere only, for example, how can I separate
>> it from BA44 in the left hemisphere to look at them separately?
>> Thank you,
>> Michael
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Timothy Coalson <>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 27, 2016 4:10:15 PM
>> *To:* Michael F.W. Dreyfuss
>> *Cc:* Burgess, Gregory;
>> *Subject:* Re: [HCP-Users] ROIs and Betas from Cifti Data
>> The surface structures in -cifti-separate are much coarser, they
>> represent the cifti file organization, not the parcellation areas.  You
>> want CORTEX_LEFT and CORTEX_RIGHT for that command to work.  However, the
>> outputs are gifti files, not cifti files - it is a format conversion
>> command, and probably not what you want to do.
>> Instead of separating to gifti files, you should use -cifti-label-to-roi
>> on the dlabel file to get the areas by name as separate ROIs (as dscalar
>> files), and then use -cifti-merge and -cifti-reduce to combine them back
>> into one larger ROI.
>> Tim
>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Michael F.W. Dreyfuss <
>>> wrote:
>>> I can get separate the volumetric part of cifti files with a command
>>> like:
>>> wb_command -cifti-separate 
>>> ToyNogo_fdr_palm/ToyNogo_results_merged_tstat.dscalar.nii
>>> COLUMN -volume ACCUMBENS_RIGHT R_Acc_Beta.nii.gz -roi R_NAcc_ROI.nii.gz
>>> But when I try that on surface data I get the error:
>>> wb_command -cifti-separate ToyNogo_GlasserParcellation_FL
>>> OBS1_fdr_palm/ToyNogo_results_dat_tstat.pscalar.nii COLUMN -label
>>> R_IFSp_ROI
>>> <>i
>>> -roi R_IFSp_ROI.plabel.nii
>>> ERROR: unrecognized structure type
>>> The problem seems to be in recognizing the structures name (i.e.
>>> R_IFSp_ROI). Do you know how I can reference a specific structure or
>>> structures with a command from a label file, or is there another comparable
>>> command you would suggest for isolating structures from a label file?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Michael
>>> On Sep 27, 2016, at 10:41 AM, Burgess, Gregory <>
>>> wrote:
>>> HCP did not have a task that was geared toward response inhibition.
>>> Furthermore, although it’s alluring to believe that a single parcel will
>>> encapsulate all of response inhibition, it’s doubtful.
>>> Why not select a set of parcels in and near IFG, and correct for
>>> multiple comparisons? Use a meta-analysis as your guide (
>>> nth.org_analyses_terms_response-2520inhibition_&d=DQIGaQ&c=
>>> lb62iw4YL4RFalcE2hQUQealT9-RXrryqt9KZX2qu2s&r=rPclmYysc_
>>> z1plf99IoNsmxWf1JolkKMmL6bXnYFSwg&m=Pb-c1m96L6xixMU-j16J-
>>> GkC6tGV5lAdGNKy-Tj1ht8&s=DxHCajoqQSf0nIWSDbUHyB6J7F2eax1NswvaNpprHaU&e=
>>> ). Your statistical power should still benefit from the parcellated
>>> analysis and reduced number of multiple comparisons, relative to a
>>> whole-brain analysis.
>>> --Greg
>>> ____________________________________________________________________
>>> Greg Burgess, Ph.D.
>>> Staff Scientist, Human Connectome Project
>>> Washington University School of Medicine
>>> Department of Psychiatry
>>> Phone: 314-362-7864
>>> Email:
>>> On Sep 27, 2016, at 9:26 AM, Michael F.W. Dreyfuss <
>>>> wrote:
>>> I agree, that’s why I was checking in to see if there was a sub parcel
>>> you had identified as being involved in response inhibition from your
>>> tasks, such as flanker. There is a lot of background of IFG being involved
>>> in response inhibition, particularly on go/nogo tasks,, so I was wondering
>>> if you had any information on specifically where within your parcellation
>>> that may be most relevant.
>>> On Sep 27, 2016, at 9:57 AM, Harms, Michael <> wrote:
>>> Just a reminder to be careful here to avoid issues of
>>> circularity/double-dipping.  You indicated that you had a priori hypotheses
>>> about IFG involvement, but that doesn’t allow you to then select a
>>> particular IFG parcel based on your task activation map.  Ideally, you
>>> would have selected your parcel(s) for analysis prior to ever
>>> computing/viewing your activation map (unless what you showed was a map
>>> from an independent, unrelated set of subjects).
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> HCP-Users mailing list
>>> manconnectome.org_mailman_listinfo_hcp-2Dusers&d=DQIGaQ&c=lb
>>> 62iw4YL4RFalcE2hQUQealT9-RXrryqt9KZX2qu2s&r=rPclmYysc_z1plf9
>>> 9IoNsmxWf1JolkKMmL6bXnYFSwg&m=Pb-c1m96L6xixMU-j16J-GkC6tGV5l
>>> AdGNKy-Tj1ht8&s=Kd8JGIfyDD_MWOgH24WZFrQNLqIT2e2KIaFCaLTw3PM&e=
>>> --Greg
>>> ____________________________________________________________________
>>> Greg Burgess, Ph.D.
>>> Staff Scientist, Human Connectome Project
>>> Washington University School of Medicine
>>> Department of Psychiatry
>>> Phone: 314-362-7864
>>> Email:
>>> ________________________________
>>> The materials in this message are private and may contain Protected
>>> Healthcare Information or other information of a sensitive nature. If you
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