Dear HCPers,
      Could you take a look at the following errors and let me know how to
solve them?
Aspera never consistently finished downloading for one zip file without
being disconnected and reconnecting many times. More often I have to
restart it after it eventually tried out the allowed number of


The errors in the log file were (just copied a small piece of them):
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR fasp_sock_send() failed, err:10035,
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR Non-fatal feedback sending
error=10035 len=1436
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR fasp_sock_send() failed, err:10035,
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR Non-fatal feedback sending
error=10035 len=1436
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR fasp_sock_send() failed, err:10035,
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR Non-fatal feedback sending
error=10035 len=716
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] LOG File exists and has the same
checksum [D:/HCPrest/] src csum
[07e30352ceb75d1ea9aa8f36c5c3d221] dst csum
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] LOG Receiver: skipping
D:/HCPrest/, overwrite_policy=1
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-00001958] LOG FASP Transfer Stop
uuid=de0ef88f-412b-4426-9ed2-1271d5900fd8 op=recv status=success
file="D:/HCPrest/" size=68
start_byte=68 rate=0.00Kbps elapsed=0.00s loss=0.00 rexreqs=0 overhead=0
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] LOG File exists and has the same
checksum [D:/HCPrest/] src csum
[7ea2fad33ae6ffa4136e70c9e3cfcdfe] dst csum
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] LOG Receiver: skipping
D:/HCPrest/, overwrite_policy=1
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-00001958] LOG FASP Transfer Stop
uuid=de0ef88f-412b-4426-9ed2-1271d5900fd8 op=recv status=success
file="D:/HCPrest/" size=68
start_byte=68 rate=0.00Kbps elapsed=0.00s loss=0.00 rexreqs=0 overhead=0
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR fasp_sock_send() failed, err:10022,
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] ERR Re-transmit fatal error sending
feedback len=1436 (10022): An invalid argument was supplied.
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] LOG Receiver bl
t/o/r/d/ts/c/h=19817/18709/1108/0/42411/497/45317 rex_rtt
l/h/s/o=227/351/313/314 ooo_rtt l/h/s/o=154/319/133/645 rate_rtt
b/l/h/s/r/f=37/38/357/315/0/1 ctl bm/bs=0/0 rex
n/s/q/v/a/r=26124/23575/108/4/0/0 bl
l/d/o/r/a/x/dl/df/dm/ds=26612/624/5/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 disk l/h/b=0/2/0 vlink
lq/lo/rq/ro=0/0/0/0 rate
prog t/f/e=27023744/30653469348/1329204 rcvD=0
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-000013dc] LOG Receiver DS Qs
ds/n/rq/ao/ap/rd/ru/no/po/pc/do/tv/sv=27/0/0/0/0/0/27/0/0/0/0/0/0 Rs
i/o=37/37 mgmt backlog i/s/n = 0/408/0
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] ERR Sink-work aborting since receiver
shutdown (shutdown 1 aborted 10)!
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] ERR Receiver Aborted. Stopping data
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] ERR Stopped data receiver
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] ERR LOCAL ABORT: Shutting down
sink/receiver, abort reason FASP_ABORT_LOCAL
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] ERR sink_send_abort: sent sesserr_pdu
reason 3 (total len 0)
2017-03-08 17:17:06 [1ae0-0000156c] LOG Session notification: type=19
len=100 reason=3 (FASP_ABORT_LOCAL)

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