You need to have a dtseries (or dconn) file open before you can see any
kind of connectivity.  If you only have the labels/rois open, how do you
expect it to figure out connectivity information?

Note that we only have options for averaging things inside a label, the ROI
file will not be useful in the GUI for this purpose.


On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Xavier Guell Paradis <>

> Dear Matt,
> Thank you for your reply. I have realized that a very curious thing
> happens:
> - If I open the dlabel file and right-click the cluster in wb_view, I do
> not see any option
> - If I open the dscalar file and right-click the cluster in wb_view, I do
> not see any option
> - If I open the dlabel file *AND* the dscalar file and right-click the
> cluster in wb_view (note that the cluster is now present twice: in the
> dlabel file and in the dscalar file), I see the "Show Data/Time Series
> Graph" but not the "Show Cifti Connectivity" option.
> I opened wb_view multiple times to make sure that this is true: I only see
> the "Show Data/Time Series Graph" once I have opened both files; but I
> still do not see the "Show Cifti Connectivity" option.
> This is a strange pattern, but perhaps it is a clue to find out what I am
> doing wrong.
> An extra piece of information that might be useful: when I open the dlabel
> file, I can see it listed in the "Labels" list of the "Features ToolBox".
> Thank you very much,
> Xavier.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Glasser, Matthew []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 09, 2017 2:13 PM
> *To:* Xavier Guell Paradis; NEUROSCIENCE tim
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [HCP-Users] How can I convert subcortical nifti files to
> dlabel files?
> It should work if you skip the last step and use the dlabel file.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> From: Xavier Guell Paradis <>
> Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 9:43 AM
> To: Timothy Coalson <>, Matt Glasser <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Subject: RE: [HCP-Users] How can I convert subcortical nifti files to
> dlabel files?
> Dear Tim and Matt,
> Thank you very much for your reply.
> I tried -volume-label-import, followed by -cifti-create-label, followed by
> -cifti-all-labels-to-rois.
> After this, when I right-click the cluster in wb_view, I see the option
> "Show Data/Time Series Graph For Parcel [my cluster]" *but I do not see
> the option "Show Cifti Connectivity* For Parcel [my cluster]" (even
> though I can see this option for other parcels, such as the Yeo map).
> I have been trying different things but cannot figure it out.
> Some extra information in case it is useful:
> My clusters are a group average registered to the HCP
> "S900_Average_T1w_restore.nii", so at this point I am not concerned about
> comparison across subjects. I would like to calculate functional
> connectivity from each of my subcortical clusters using your S900 .dconn
> file.
> My original nifti file with the right cerebellum cluster is called
> "mycluster.nii".
> I created the file "textforvolumelabelimport.txt" with the following text:
> 1 1 1 1
> Then I did the following:
> wb_command -volume-label-import mycluster.nii textforvolumelabelimport.txt
> mycluster_label.nii
> wb_command -cifti-create-label mycluster_labelStep2.dlabel.nii -volume
> mycluster_label.nii mycluster_label.nii
> wb_command -cifti-all-labels-to-rois mycluster_labelStep2.dlabel.nii 1
> mycluster_labelStep3.dscalar.nii
> When I right-click "mycluster_labelStep3.dscalar.nii" in wb_view, I can
> see the option of "Show Data/Time Series Graph" *but not the option of
> "Show Cifti Connectivity*".
> Thank you very much,
> Xavier.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Timothy Coalson []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 08, 2017 4:39 PM
> *To:* Xavier Guell Paradis
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [HCP-Users] How can I convert subcortical nifti files to
> dlabel files?
> I'm assuming you want them to match a standard grayordinate space, so that
> they can be compared across subjects.
> The simple way that doesn't account for residual subject differences in
> subcortical locations is to first resample the data to the appropriate
> resolution/orientation MNI space (222 for the 91k grayordinates), then use
> -cifti-create-dense-from-template with the -volume-all option.
> The better but more involved way is to take the subject's subcortical
> structure labels from freesurfer, import them to workbench format with the
> names that -cifti-create-label specifies, use -cifti-create-label to make a
> subject-specific cifti file (you will also need to provide some dummy
> surface data for the next step to work), and then use -cifti-resample to
> use only the same-structure-overlap information, and dilate to fill in any
> holes if desired.
> We use this second method for fMRI data in the pipelines, see here:
> master/fMRISurface/scripts/
> Though that script actually only outputs a volume file, and therefore it
> doesn't bother with having surface data in those temporary cifti files.
> Tim
> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Xavier Guell Paradis <>
> wrote:
>> Dear HCP experts,
>> I have several subcortical nifti files, each containing one cluster. I
>> would like to convert them to dlabel files, so that then I can use wb_view
>> to see the functional connectivity from each of these clusters (using your
>> group .dconn file).
>> How can I convert subcortical nifti files to dlabel files?
>> I have been exploring several wb_commands but I cannot figure it out.
>> Thank you very much,
>> Xavier.
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