Dear HCP Experts,

I have the following questions with regards to variables and their
description in the HCP data dictionary:

1) What does VLSPOT_OFF code for? The data dictionary states "Penn Line
Orientation: Total Positions Off for All Trials", does this refer to (1)
the number of times the subjects provided an incorrect response or the
number of times the line to match was initially presented in a position
that was "Off" from the target of (2)  the total number of trials given to
subjects that are OFF from the correct orientation?

2) Is there more detailed information on precisely what was tested for the
In-scanner tasks? e.g Emotion_Task_Acc is described as "Average accuracy
Percentage during EMOTION task", however, what does the emotion task

3) Can I confirm that a higher score for Endurance_Unadj indicates greater
endurance (since a greater distance was walked), while a higher score for
Dexterity_Unadj indicates less dexterity (since the time taken to complete
a task was measured. i.e the more time taken to complete the task, the
poorer the dexterity)

4) Can I confirm that for Taste_Unadj, the seven anchor labels provided
(Strongest imaginable, Very strong, Strong, Moderate, Weak, Barely
detectable, No sensation) on a 0-100 scale, are administered as 0 is for no
sensation, and increases to 100 for strongest imaginable ?
Thank you for your time, any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Nicole K.

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