From: Felix Yuan
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 1:20:20 PM
To: hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>
Cc: Eduardo Gonzalez-Moreira
Subject: HCP resting-state MEG sensor position problem

Dear HCP experts,

My name is Felix and I am Prof. Pedro Valdes-Sosa MSc student, during the last 
days I had been working with the resting state MEG data from the Human 
Connectome Project (preprocessed data).

Related with this, I am getting an unexpected scalp topography since for 
resting state data the alpha activity must be over the occipital areas (see 
attached pic occipital_area.jpg).
However, in my analysis the alpha activity appears over the left temporal lobe 
for all the subject areas (see attached pic temporal_lobe.jpg).

Could you please tell me whether the sensor position coordinates that I took 
from data.grad.chanpos are right and which space it came from?  In which space 
are the sensors position and how I could transform it to MNI space? I have 
checked on the fieldtrip website and found that there should be a field , which 
is data.elec in the data from the preprocessing output of fieldtrip structure, 
where can I download it if possible?

Thanks for your time and help,
All the Best,


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