Yes, It’s in

From: "Glasser, Matthew" <<>>
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 5:28 PM
To: "Shadi, Kamal" <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] wbsparse

Did you get that from BALSA?



 on behalf of "Shadi, Kamal" 
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 4:25 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: [HCP-Users] wbsparse

Hi All,

Is there anyway I can use trajTemp.wbsparse file to extract connectivity 
information between a vertex on a surface and an ROI in gift label file 
(streamline count in particular)? The information of trajTemp file is as 

Name:                             pm1.trajTEMP.wbsparse

Type:                             Connectivity - Fiber Trajectory TEMPORARY

Structure:                        CortexLeft CortexRight Cerebellum 
AccumbensLeft AccumbensRight AllGreyMatter AllWhiteMatter AmygdalaLeft 
AmygdalaRight BrainStem CaudateLeft CaudateRight CerebellarWhiteMatterLeft 
CerebellarWhiteMatterRight CerebellumLeft CerebellumRight 
CerebralWhiteMatterLeft CerebralWhiteMatterRight Cortex DiencephalonVentralLeft 
DiencephalonVentralRight HippocampusLeft HippocampusRight Invalid Other 
OtherGreyMatter OtherWhiteMatter PallidumLeft PallidumRight PutamenLeft 
PutamenRight ThalamusLeft ThalamusRight

Maps to Surface:                  false

Maps to Volume:                   true

Maps with LabelTable:             false

Maps with Palette:                false

CIFTI Dim[0]:                     650534

CIFTI Dim[1]:                     32492

ALONG_ROW map type:               BRAIN_MODELS

    Has Volume Data:              true

    Volume Dims:                  225,293,186

    Volume Space:                 -0.43,0,0,48;0,0.43,0,-64;0,0,0.43,-48

    AccumbensLeft:                591 voxels

    AccumbensRight:               575 voxels

    AmygdalaLeft:                 1894 voxels

    AmygdalaRight:                1669 voxels

    BrainStem:                    22490 voxels

    CaudateLeft:                  3433 voxels

    CaudateRight:                 3293 voxels

    CerebellarWhiteMatterLeft:    4665 voxels

    CerebellarWhiteMatterRight:   4685 voxels

    CerebellumLeft:               22753 voxels

    CerebellumRight:              27627 voxels

    CerebralWhiteMatterLeft:      92543 voxels

    CerebralWhiteMatterRight:     93079 voxels

    CortexLeft:                   159552 voxels

    CortexRight:                  161301 voxels

    DiencephalonVentralLeft:      4361 voxels

    DiencephalonVentralRight:     3784 voxels

    HippocampusLeft:              4503 voxels

    HippocampusRight:             4413 voxels

    PallidumLeft:                 2183 voxels

    PallidumRight:                2320 voxels

    PutamenLeft:                  8039 voxels

    PutamenRight:                 7422 voxels

    ThalamusLeft:                 6502 voxels

    ThalamusRight:                6857 voxels

ALONG_COLUMN map type:            BRAIN_MODELS

    Has Volume Data:              false

    CortexLeft:                   32492 out of 32492 vertices

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