Dear all,

we have trouble understanding what the above test actually tests in the context of HCP data. Despite its suggestive name, this test is described (in the updated HCP Data Dictionary and its previous version), as a pure-tone thresholding test that seems to have nothing to do with understanding words embedded in noise or any similar scenario.

The description in the Data Dictionary is pretty clear and excludes any such interpretation, it is just that the naming seems confusing and also, there actually is a NIH toolbox test called '"Words-in-Noise" that does test how subjects comprehend one-syllable words.

Can anyone comment on the exact nature of this test and help us out?

Thanks for your help!


Robert Becker, PhD
Universität Zürich
Psychologisches Institut
Binzmühlestrasse 14
8050 Zürich

Tel: +41 44 63 57234

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