Dear Dr. Elam,

Thank you for your reply to Robert’s question and for the description of the 
NIH Toolbox Words-in-Noise Test (WIN) you provided.
I would be extremely grateful if you could provide a few extra clarifications.

In the S1200 release reference manual (updated April 2018) in Page 201 is 
written: “Hearing, or audition, is assessed using the NIH Toolbox 
Words-in-Noise Test. Note: HCP has used two versions of the NIH Toolbox WIN 
test (V1 and V2). In V1 the audio output was through a sound card and equalizer 
that is no longer supported by NIH Toolbox and in V2 the audio output goes 
straight through the headphone jack worn by the participant. HCP switched from 
V1 to V2 WIN on January 23, 2015, so all Q1-S500 Subjects were administered V1 
and some/most S900+ Subjects were administered V2.”

I assume that the description of the task you provided in response to Robert’s 
question (“the score for the better ear is provided in the Computed Score 
column”) refers to v2, whereas v1 Computed Score represents the score for the 
speaker-presented version of the test, in agreement with what can be read here:

Is the interpretation above correct? Was the test twice as long for v2 
subjects? Are the same or different words presented to each ear (v2)?

More importantly, is there any way to have a list of subjects tested with 
either version (or the day participants were tested, given that the ‘switch 
day’ from v1 to v2 is known)? I am personally interested only in the MEG 
participants, but I since this could interest people working with other subsets 
of participants, in case this information is not yet available, it may be worth 
adding a new variable indicating WIN test version in the ConnectomeDB 
spreadsheets. I don’t know whether this could help the tracing back the ID of 
participants tested with the two versions of the test, but it is written in the 
Wiki post linked above that v2 scores were initially entered as ‘-99’ (or not 
entered at all) and were subsequently fixed with the rerelease of the 7T HCP 
functional data in April 2018.

Finally, in the Wiki page it is mentioned that the “NIH Toolbox has verified 
that the v1 and v2 WIN scoring has been normed to be directly comparable”. Is 
it possible to have more details on how the two measures were rendered directly 

Thank you in advance for your help and best regards,

Thomas Houweling,
PhD candidate at the Neurolinguistics Lab,
Psychologisches Institut, 
University of Zuerich,

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