You would be running sICA+FIX after ciftify.  I believe this would work, though 
if the data are high temporal and spatial resolution fMRI data, you could not 
use the HCP’s training file and would have to investigate other training files.


From: Zhi Li <<>>
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 7:38 PM
To: Matt Glasser <<>>
Cc: Timothy Coalson <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] HCP parcellation template

Thank you very much Matt. Actually I am exploring the relative optimal 
preprocessing method for our task-based fMRI data which were collected with 
traditional protocols (without T2w image and fieldmap). We want to get the time 
series of task-based image from the HCP 360 rois (best based on the individual 
parcellation). You mentioned in another reply that a legacy mode of the minimal 
preprocessing pipelines is in work. May I know what is the difference between 
the ongoing pipelines and the ciftify? Another question is could I use the 
ciftify to do FIX ICA as the HCP pipelines?

Thanks and best wishes,


On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 19:45, Glasser, Matthew 
<<>> wrote:
I believe FSFAST is a surface-capable analysis stream, so reanalysis might not 
be necessary vs figuring out how to translate between FSFAST and HCP-Style 
CIFTI stuff.  I am sure that is possible but have not used FSFAST myself.


 on behalf of Timothy Coalson <<>>
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 2:36 PM
To: "<>" 
Cc: hcp-users 
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] HCP parcellation template

You can display the resampled metric on the surfaces from the group-average HCP 
"subject" to ensure that things are where they are supposed to be (note, 
resampling both the data and the surfaces of a subject is recommended, but will 
always look reasonable even if the wrong spheres were used - using the group 
average surfaces as a reference ensures that your data aligns with other data 
that is known to be resampled correctly).

The HCP MMP v1.0 parcellation doesn't include subcortical data, so it that is 
the parcellation you want to use, you can ignore subcortical data for now.  You 
can use wb_command -cifti-create-dense-from-template to make a cifti version of 
your data (you can use the parcellation .dlabel.nii file as the template).

If you want to also look at the subcortical data in cifti format, then we would 
recommend reanalyzing your data using the HCP pipelines instead of FSFAST.  If 
you haven't acquired the scans that the HCP pipelines require (high-res T2, 
fieldmaps), there is ciftify:

This can probably be followed by the task analysis scripts in the HCP pipelines.


On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 11:20 AM Zhi Li 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Tim,

Thank you very much for your kind suggestion. After the preprocessing of FSFAST 
I got the left and right surface-based data in 'nii.gz' format. Following the 
instructions I converted them to .gii format with mris_convert first, then to 
func.gii with the command "wb_command -metric-resample <metric-in> 
<current-sphere> <new-sphere> ADAP_BARY_AREA <metric-out> -area-metrics 
<current-area> <new-area>". I am new to the HCP pipeline, may I ask what I 
missed and how could I further convert the "func.gii" to the "cifti format"? 
And how to check if this resample is right? The cifti file should also include 
the subcortical regions, right? Do I need to combine the left and right surface 
and subcortcial volume into one cifti file? Sorry for the very basic questions. 
Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

Zhi Li

On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 16:09, Timothy Coalson 
<<>> wrote:
The HCP MMP v1.0 parcellation is defined on MSMAll-registered surfaces.  I am 
not familiar with FSFAST, but if it gives you surface-based data, you should be 
able to resample the data or parcellation so that they are on the same mesh, 
following these instructions:

If you resample/convert your timeseries data to cifti .dtseries.nii in our 
standard grayordinates, then the wb_command -cifti-parcellate command can 
extract average timeseries of all the ROIs in our parcellation (or any 
parcellation represented in our standard grayordinates).

Note that we do not recommend using any group-average volume methods for human 
cortical data, because volume-based registration doesn't deal particularly well 
with intersubject differences in cortical folding (or in functional location 
compared to folds):


On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 5:28 PM Zhi Li 
<<>> wrote:
Hello HCP experts,

I would like to extract time series from the FSFAST-preprocessed fMRI data 
(acquired with traditional scanning protocol) with the HCP average template, 
may I know where I could find it (annotation format) ? I read from another post 
that I could use mri_aparc2aseg to map it to the anatomical volume. Do you have 
any other suggestions on extracting time series with the HCP rois? Thank you 
very much.

Best wishes,

Zhi Li

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