Hi Matt,

I am very grateful for your kindness.

After looked through files in working directory by fslinfo, I found a image, 
named T1_store.2.nii.gz, which I think is the first file be generated in wrong 
space (91x108x91).

Given the name of the file, I traced back the command line in the fMRIvolume 
script. Finally, I found Line 126 in OneStepResampling.sh which is the command 
line to generate the file.
${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -interp spline -in ${T1wImage} -ref ${T1wImage} 
-applyisoxfm ${FinalfMRIResolution} -out 

So I tested this command line independently using the image in its log file. 
Repeatedly, the result file was also generated in 91x108x91 space. I noticed 
that in this script, the fMRI image would be resampled reference to 
T1_store.2.nii.gz. I think because of the wrong space of T1_store.2.nii.gz, it 
also effected the fMRI resampling image.

However, I notice a comment above Line 126 in OneStepResampling.sh.
NB: don't use FLIRT to do spline interpolation with -applyisoxfm for the 2mm 
and 1 mm cases because it dosen't know the peculiarities of the MNI template 
I wonder if it give a cue to the problem?

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