The Department of Biomedical Engineering of Aston University ( has announced one PhD studentship in the area of applied

The prospective candidates should apply using this link à the latest on *31/5/2019*

This PhD studentship is under the European funded project HOPE. The main
aim of HOPE is to study the non-invasive techniques like EEG and MEG in the
pre-surgical evaluation of children with medical resistant epilepsy and the
accurate localization of the Seizure Onset Zone.

Basic Skills:

·      BSc/BEng in STEM or Psychology. (The psychology graduates should
prove their experience working with EEG and MATLAB)

·      MSc/MEng in relevant field

·      Programming in MATLAB environment

·      English language (find more information here à

Desired Skills:

·      Digital Signal Processing

·      Basic understanding of Machine Learning algorithms

·      EEG Signal Processing

·      Programming in Python

For further information you can come in touch with the co-ordinator of the
HOPE project, Dr. Manousos Klados (

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