Hi Michael,

With the C-shell (csh) and T-shell (tcsh), you may need to use ’setenv’ instead 
of ’set’ in the ‘.cshrc’ file.  Use ‘printenv’ to show the path.


John Harwell

On May 10, 2019, at 12:24 PM, Michael Amlung 
<michael.aml...@gmail.com<mailto:michael.aml...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I cannot get the command line tools to work for wb_view on Mac.
> wb_view
wb_view: Command not found.

I have tried everything in the README.txt file, including adding the line to 
the path.

I confirmed that my .cshrc looks like this:
set PATH = ($PATH /Applications/workbench/bin_macosx64/)

when I print the PATH, I see /Applications/workbench/bin_macosx64

I confirmed I am running /bin/tcsh

But for some reason it cannot locate the wb_view command. The program opens 
fine if I open it form the LaunchPad.

Any suggestions?

Michael Amlung, Ph.D.

Email: michael.aml...@gmail.com<mailto:michael.aml...@gmail.com>


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