Try the very latest master, which should resolve this issue.  (I was just 
working on this 30 min ago).  Please let us know if it works.

Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
660 South Euclid Ave.                        Tel: 314-747-6173
St. Louis, MO  63110                          Email:

From: <> on behalf of Joseph Orr 
Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 1:52 PM
To: Simon Wein <>
Cc: HCP Users <>, Wilhelm Malloni 
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Error while running 

We ran into the same problem with flirt. In FSL 6.0.1, flirt can't take a 4D 
file as a reference, but it could in fsl v5. Adding a line before 289 to 
extract the first volume of PhaseTwo_gdc, and modifying flirt accordingly fixes 
the problem:

${FSLDIR}/bin/fslroi ${WD}/PhaseTwo_gdc ${WD}/PhaseTwo_gdc_slice -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 
-1 0 1
${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -dof 6 -interp spline -in ${WD}/SBRef.nii.gz -ref 
${WD}/PhaseTwo_gdc_slice -omat ${WD}/SBRef2PhaseTwo_gdc.mat -out 
Joseph M. Orr, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX

On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 8:48 AM Simon Wein 
Thank you very much for your support.
In our pipeline we have set $GradientDistortionCoeffs = "NONE", so line 189 in<>

was unfortunately skipped. But we could avoid the error by modifying line 196 

fslmaths ${WD}/BothPhases.nii.gz -mul 0 -add 1 ${WD}/Mask

Mask.nii.gz then has properties:

filename    Mask.nii.gz
size of header    348
data_type    FLOAT32
dim0        4
dim1        104
dim2        104
dim3        72
dim4        6
dim5        1
dim6        1
dim7        1
vox_units    mm
time_units    s
datatype    16
nbyper        4
bitpix        32
pixdim0        1.000000
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000000
pixdim4        7.700000
pixdim5        0.000000
pixdim6        0.000000
pixdim7        0.000000
vox_offset    352
cal_max        0.000000
cal_min        0.000000
scl_slope    1.000000
scl_inter    0.000000
phase_dim    0
freq_dim    0
slice_dim    0
slice_name    Unknown
slice_code    0
slice_start    0
slice_end    0
slice_duration    0.000000
toffset        0.000000
intent        Unknown
intent_code    0
intent_p1    0.000000
intent_p2    0.000000
intent_p3    0.000000
qform_name    Scanner Anat
qform_code    1
qto_xyz:1    -1.995593 0.092717 0.094922 93.702583
qto_xyz:2    -0.105543 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
qto_xyz:3    0.080419 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
qto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
qform_xorient    Right-to-Left
qform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
qform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name    Scanner Anat
sform_code    1
sto_xyz:1    -1.995594 0.092714 0.094922 93.702583
sto_xyz:2    -0.105540 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
sto_xyz:3    0.080420 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
sto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
sform_xorient    Right-to-Left
sform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
sform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
file_type    NIFTI-1+
file_code    1
descrip        6.0.1
The previously mentioned problem with FSL 6.0+ fslmaths could be avoided.
Would you consider this as a good workaround, or would you recommend something 

But in a later stage, we got another error:

Image Exception : #75 :: 3D only method called by higher-dimensional volume.
3D only method called by higher-dimensional volume.
Could not open matrix file 
Cannot read input-matrix

The file "SBRef2PhaseTwo_gdc.mat" was not created, so the problem might be in 
line 289 in "":

${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -dof 6 -interp spline -in ${WD}/SBRef.nii.gz -ref 
${WD}/PhaseTwo_gdc -omat ${WD}/SBRef2PhaseTwo_gdc.mat -out 

Properties of SBRef.nii.gz are:

filename    SBRef.nii.gz
size of header    348
data_type    UINT16
dim0        3
dim1        104
dim2        104
dim3        72
dim4        1
dim5        0
dim6        0
dim7        0
vox_units    mm
time_units    s
datatype    512
nbyper        2
bitpix        16
pixdim0        1.000000
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000000
pixdim4        0.730000
pixdim5        0.000000
pixdim6        0.000000
pixdim7        0.000000
vox_offset    352
cal_max        0.000000
cal_min        0.000000
scl_slope    1.000000
scl_inter    0.000000
phase_dim    2
freq_dim    1
slice_dim    3
slice_name    sequential_increasing
slice_code    1
slice_start    0
slice_end    0
slice_duration    0.000000
toffset        0.000000
intent        Unknown
intent_code    0
intent_p1    0.000000
intent_p2    0.000000
intent_p3    0.000000
qform_name    Scanner Anat
qform_code    1
qto_xyz:1    -1.995593 0.092717 0.094922 93.702583
qto_xyz:2    -0.105543 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
qto_xyz:3    0.080419 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
qto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
qform_xorient    Right-to-Left
qform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
qform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name    Scanner Anat
sform_code    1
sto_xyz:1    -1.995594 0.092714 0.094922 93.702583
sto_xyz:2    -0.105540 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
sto_xyz:3    0.080420 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
sto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
sform_xorient    Right-to-Left
sform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
sform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
file_type    NIFTI-1+
file_code    1
descrip        TE=31;Time=163300.630;phase=0
aux_file    Single-band_reference

And properties of PhaseTwo_gdc.nii.gz:

filename    PhaseTwo_gdc.nii.gz
size of header    348
data_type    UINT16
dim0        4
dim1        104
dim2        104
dim3        72
dim4        3
dim5        0
dim6        0
dim7        0
vox_units    mm
time_units    s
datatype    512
nbyper        2
bitpix        16
pixdim0        1.000000
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000000
pixdim4        7.700000
pixdim5        0.000000
pixdim6        0.000000
pixdim7        0.000000
vox_offset    352
cal_max        0.000000
cal_min        0.000000
scl_slope    1.000000
scl_inter    0.000000
phase_dim    2
freq_dim    1
slice_dim    3
slice_name    alternating_increasing_2
slice_code    5
slice_start    0
slice_end    0
slice_duration    0.000000
toffset        0.000000
intent        Unknown
intent_code    0
intent_p1    0.000000
intent_p2    0.000000
intent_p3    0.000000
qform_name    Scanner Anat
qform_code    1
qto_xyz:1    -1.995593 0.092717 0.094922 93.702583
qto_xyz:2    -0.105543 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
qto_xyz:3    0.080419 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
qto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
qform_xorient    Right-to-Left
qform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
qform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name    Scanner Anat
sform_code    1
sto_xyz:1    -1.995594 0.092714 0.094922 93.702583
sto_xyz:2    -0.105540 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
sto_xyz:3    0.080420 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
sto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
sform_xorient    Right-to-Left
sform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
sform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
file_type    NIFTI-1+
file_code    1
descrip        TE=58;Time=162508.120;phase=0
Employing flirt from FSL 5.0.6 worked again, but we were not sure, how to 
modify line 289 properly for FSL 6.0.1.
Thank you for your time.


>>> "Glasser, Matthew" <<>> 05/22/19 
>>> 9:09 PM >>>
There could be a bug here related to new FSL 6.0+ fslmaths behavior.  Please 
try modifying:<>

line 189 to:

${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${WD}/PhaseOne_mask_gdc -mas ${WD}/PhaseTwo_mask_gdc 
-ero -bin -Tmin ${WD}/Mask


 on behalf of Simon Wein 
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 8:28 AM
To: Timothy Coalson <<>>
Cc: Wilhelm Malloni 
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Error while running 

Thank you very much for your suggestion.
We already use FSL 6.0.1 (and Freesurfer 6.0.0), sorry for my inaccuracy.
The output of "fslhd ${WD}/BothPhases" is:

filename    BothPhases.nii.gz
size of header    348
data_type    INT32
dim0        4
dim1        104
dim2        104
dim3        72
dim4        6
dim5        1
dim6        1
dim7        1
vox_units    mm
time_units    s
datatype    8
nbyper        4
bitpix        32
pixdim0        1.000000
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000000
pixdim4        7.700000
pixdim5        0.000000
pixdim6        0.000000
pixdim7        0.000000
vox_offset    352
cal_max        0.000000
cal_min        0.000000
scl_slope    1.000000
scl_inter    0.000000
phase_dim    0
freq_dim    0
slice_dim    0
slice_name    Unknown
slice_code    0
slice_start    0
slice_end    0
slice_duration    0.000000
toffset        0.000000
intent        Unknown
intent_code    0
intent_p1    0.000000
intent_p2    0.000000
intent_p3    0.000000
qform_name    Scanner Anat
qform_code    1
qto_xyz:1    -1.995593 0.092717 0.094922 93.702583
qto_xyz:2    -0.105543 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
qto_xyz:3    0.080419 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
qto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
qform_xorient    Right-to-Left
qform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
qform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name    Scanner Anat
sform_code    1
sto_xyz:1    -1.995594 0.092714 0.094922 93.702583
sto_xyz:2    -0.105540 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
sto_xyz:3    0.080420 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
sto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
sform_xorient    Right-to-Left
sform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
sform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
file_type    NIFTI-1+
file_code    1
descrip        6.0.1

The output of "fslhd ${WD}/Mask.nii.gz" is:

filename    Mask.nii.gz
size of header    348
data_type    FLOAT32
dim0        4
dim1        104
dim2        104
dim3        72
dim4        3
dim5        1
dim6        1
dim7        1
vox_units    mm
time_units    s
datatype    16
nbyper        4
bitpix        32
pixdim0        1.000000
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000000
pixdim4        7.700000
pixdim5        0.000000
pixdim6        0.000000
pixdim7        0.000000
vox_offset    352
cal_max        0.000000
cal_min        0.000000
scl_slope    1.000000
scl_inter    0.000000
phase_dim    0
freq_dim    0
slice_dim    0
slice_name    Unknown
slice_code    0
slice_start    0
slice_end    0
slice_duration    0.000000
toffset        0.000000
intent        Unknown
intent_code    0
intent_p1    0.000000
intent_p2    0.000000
intent_p3    0.000000
qform_name    Scanner Anat
qform_code    1
qto_xyz:1    -1.995593 0.092717 0.094922 93.702583
qto_xyz:2    -0.105543 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
qto_xyz:3    0.080419 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
qto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
qform_xorient    Right-to-Left
qform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
qform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name    Scanner Anat
sform_code    1
sto_xyz:1    -1.995594 0.092714 0.094922 93.702583
sto_xyz:2    -0.105540 -1.976261 -0.288537 118.937881
sto_xyz:3    0.080420 -0.292910 1.976799 -43.901993
sto_xyz:4    0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
sform_xorient    Right-to-Left
sform_yorient    Anterior-to-Posterior
sform_zorient    Inferior-to-Superior
file_type    NIFTI-1+
file_code    1
descrip        6.0.1

We noticed that running "${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${WD}/BothPhases -abs -add 1 
-mas ${WD}/Mask -dilM -dilM -dilM -dilM -dilM ${WD}/BothPhases_fsl5" seems to 
work with FSL 5.0.6 at least. The header of the image "BothPhases_fsl5 ", 
generated with FSL 5.0.6 , is:

filename       BothPhases_fsl5.nii.gz

sizeof_hdr     348
data_type      FLOAT32
dim0           4
dim1           104
dim2           104
dim3           72
dim4           6
dim5           1
dim6           1
dim7           1
vox_units      mm
time_units     s
datatype       16
nbyper         4
bitpix         32
pixdim0        0.000000
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000000
pixdim4        7.700000
pixdim5        0.000000
pixdim6        0.000000
pixdim7        0.000000
vox_offset     352
cal_max        0.0000
cal_min        0.0000
scl_slope      1.000000
scl_inter      0.000000
phase_dim      0
freq_dim       0
slice_dim      0
slice_name     Unknown
slice_code     0
slice_start    0
slice_end      0
slice_duration 0.000000
time_offset    0.000000
intent         Unknown
intent_code    0
intent_p1      0.000000
intent_p2      0.000000
intent_p3      0.000000
qform_name     Scanner Anat
qform_code     1
qto_xyz:1      -1.995593  0.092717  0.094922  93.702583
qto_xyz:2      -0.105543  -1.976261  -0.288537  118.937881
qto_xyz:3      0.080419  -0.292910  1.976799  -43.901993
qto_xyz:4      0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  1.000000
qform_xorient  Right-to-Left
qform_yorient  Anterior-to-Posterior
qform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name     Scanner Anat
sform_code     1
sto_xyz:1      -1.995594  0.092714  0.094922  93.702583
sto_xyz:2      -0.105540  -1.976261  -0.288537  118.937881
sto_xyz:3      0.080420  -0.292910  1.976799  -43.901993
sto_xyz:4      0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  1.000000
sform_xorient  Right-to-Left
sform_yorient  Anterior-to-Posterior
sform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
file_type      NIFTI-1+
file_code      1
descrip        FSL5.0

All the best


>>> Timothy Coalson <<>> 05/21/19 8:57 PM >>>
This may not be related to your particular problem, but you need to have FSL 
6.0.1 for some of the pipelines (MR FIX in particular).  Using fslhd on the 
BothPhases and Mask files should give others on the list some information to 
work with.


On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 8:18 AM Simon Wein 
Dear all,

we are experiencing problems when performing the fMRI volumetric processing 
with "":

Image Exception : #3 :: Attempted to multiply images of different sizes
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  Attempted to multiply images of different sizes
/loctmp/CUDA/Pipelines-master_fs6/global/scripts/ line 
269: 10710 Aborted                 ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${WD}/BothPhases -abs 
-add 1 -mas ${WD}/Mask -dilM -dilM -dilM -dilM -dilM ${WD}/BothPhases

1. Debian 9.0
2. HCP pipeline 4.0.0
3. Workbench 1.3.2
4. FreeSurfer 6.0
5. FSL 6.0
6. gradunwarp (HCP) 1.0.3

We would be thankful for any help!

Kind regards
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