I think that's a reasonable proposal as long as we understand it changes the burden from finding all the things that should be marked @Private to finding all the things that should be marked @Public. As Tom Graves pointed out in an earlier discussion about @LimitedPrivate, it may be impossible to do a straightforward task and use only interfaces marked @Public. If users can't do basic things without straying from @Public interfaces then tons of code can break if we assume it's always fair game to change anything not marked @Public. The "well you shouldn't have used a non-@Public interface" argument is not very useful in that context.

So as long as we're good about making sure officially supported features have corresponding @Public interfaces to wield them then I agree it will be easier to track those rather than track all the classes that should be @Private. Hopefully if users understand that's how things work they'll help file JIRAs for interfaces that need to be @Public to get their work done.


On 07/22/2014 04:54 PM, Karthik Kambatla wrote:
Hi devs

As you might have noticed, we have several classes and methods in them that
are not annotated at all. This is seldom intentional. Avoiding incompatible
changes to all these classes can be considerable baggage.

I was wondering if we should add an explicit disclaimer in our
compatibility guide that says, "Classes without annotations are to
considered @Private"

For methods, is it reasonable to say - "Class members without specific
annotations inherit the annotations of the class"?


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