> On 15 Jun 2015, at 21:22, Colin P. McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:
> One possibility is that we could randomize the order of returned
> results in HDFS (at least within a given batch of results returned
> from the NN).  This is similar to how the Go programming language
> randomizes the order of iteration over hash table keys, to avoid code
> being written which relies on a specific implementation-defined
> ordering.
> Regardless of whether we do that, though, there is a bunch of code
> even in Hadoop common that doesn't properly deal with unsorted
> listStatus / globStatus... such as "hadoop fs -ls"

something we could make an option for tests...be fun to see what happens. I 
wouldn't inflict it on production, as people would only hate us for breaking 
things. Again

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