I've already asked in <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-11596>
but haven't gotten a reply so far so I thought I'd bump it here.

The issue replaces the compile time dependency of the various HDFS projects
to hdfs-client with a "provided" dependency.

Unfortunately that means that HDFS cannot be run anymore from source as is
documented in the Wiki (<
https://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HowToSetupYourDevelopmentEnvironment>) and
as used to be possible before the patch. This is because the hdfs client
classes (e.g. ClientProtocol is the first one that HDFS complains about
during startup) are not in the classpath anymore.

I wonder how all of you are running Hadoop these days from source? I've
always followed the Wiki instructions but maybe they are out of date and
there's a better way?


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