Dear colleagues,

Marlene asked me about the closeness of the deadline, and whether it's possible to have more time to gather responses. In fact, my deadline for reporting to CCDA on this is August 27th, so, in order for me to have at least a few days to compile the report, how about getting responses to me by August 25th? I realize this is still not much time, and I apologize for not asking for your input earlier. I'm still learning the ropes with the CCDA document review process.

I should also let you know that a separate document on internationalization the cataloging code is also under review, and has the same deadline as the one for Bible UTs (i.e., Aug. 20th; 25th at the latest). Again, I apologize for giving such short notice, and I'll try to be more proactive in the future.

Also: I realize that not everyone is able to read email with embedded HTML, so I'll try to provide the URLs in plain text from now on (i.e., rather than just redirecting through hyperlinks).


Daniel Lovins
Hebraica Team Leader
Catalog Department
Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University
PO Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520
tel: 203/432-1707
fax: 203/432-7231

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