Hi Heidi,

I'm not familar with the concept, but from the definition you provided, the 
heading "Vows (Jewish law)" would be appropriate, and could be doubled with 
"Children (Jewish law)."

You might develop a more specific heading that addresses the issue of minors 
and the age of legal competence. I would recommend consulting Aaron Kuperman.

I hope this is some help.

Lenore (wearing her new hat!)

Lenore Bell
Section Head, Israel & Judaica Section
Asian and Middle Eastern Division
Library of Congress
(202) 707-7313

>>> "Heidi Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/15/2008 2:45 PM >>>
Dear Group,

I am cataloging a book that deals with:

"Din mufla ha-samukh le-ish."

I have found on the web a definition  of this prinicple with is in the Talmud: 

"dictating that an eleven-year-old girl or twelve-year-old boy can issue a 
binding vow so long as they have the basic understanding of the concept."

Would I use 

Vows--Jewish law

Any help that can be provided will be appreciated.

Thanks, Heidi 

Heidi G. Lerner
Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger
Metadata Development Unit
Metadata Dept.
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
ph: 650-725-9953
fax: 650-725-1120

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