Have I got this right? 1. Does write_dump(context, s, database, current_version) always write a comptele dump no matter the value of current_version?
2. Does write_dump(context, s, database, current_version) only use current_version to set the version of the dump? 3. I's named "send_complete", but what does it need the _two_ version numbers for? send_complete (context, s, database, current_version, oldest_version) What does it use "oldest_version" for? /* * If the current dump has an appropriate version, then we can * break out of the loop and send the file below. */ if (ret == 0 && vno != 0 && st.st_mtime > initial_log_tstamp && vno >= oldest_version && vno <= current_version) break; It would be nice to get a better explanation what this is supposed to do. I don't get it from the comment. Harald.