When I build heimdal I normally have seperate source and build trees.

Then there are the files kadm5-protos.h kadm5-private.h which come
with the tar ball, live in source-tree/lib/kadm5, are obviously
generated and when other files in lib/kadm5 are touched are rebuild
with a perl script.

I very much dislike how this is done currently.

I suggest the following improvements:

* If one really feels the urge to distribute generated files with the
  tar ball, do cp -p them over to the build tree.

* If you need to regen the files with a perl script, write only to the
  build tree.

* If the regen perl scripts fails, throw an error, don't just continue
  with the make like nothing happened.

* If the regen perl script must have odd dependencies like libjson-perl, 
  somehow throw a reasonable error if that's not available.

Have a look at the cf/make-proto.pl it looks very unfinished to me.

* $Id$ should have a value or be removed

* A Copyright notice should be there

* Some better error handling than die "foo" would be nice

* I think this "Makefile obfuscation" does not work as
  intened because if $(srcdir)/$$f is missing because
  the perl step above failed, this will not be noticed.

        for f in $$foo; do \
                f=`basename $$f`; \
                if test -f "$(srcdir)/$$f"; then file="$(srcdir)/$$f"; \
                else file="$$f"; fi; \
                if cmp -s  $$file $(buildkadm5include)/$$f 2> /dev/null ; then \
                : ; else \
                        echo "cp $$file $(buildkadm5include)/$$f";\
                        cp $$file $(buildkadm5include)/$$f; \
                fi ; \

I'd like to see that the build process of the kadmin stuff uses
kadm-protos.h from buildtree/include/kadm5/ and that gets built from
either the source files by make-proto.pl or if all the source files
are older from a distributed copy of kadm5-protos.h As it is now,
you can end up with a buildtree/include/kadm/kadm5-protos.h that is
inaccurate and/or older than soucretree/lib/kadm5/kadm5-protos.h.

I can not find any place where the make-proto.pl is used together with
the -x option. What is it supposed to do. Can you find what the -x

If the -x is not used, the JSON dependency can be removed completely.

If I sound a bit miffed this can be attributed to what I thought would
be a completely unrelated 10 min change/recompile/test cycle ended up
to be yak shaving galore expericence which took several hours. Don't
get me wrong, I know this is "free software" but I'm unhappy in the
same way one would not be happy if "free beer" would contain some
extra ingrediences which do not belong in beer in the first place ;-)


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