On 3/21/2019 6:45 AM, Harald Barth wrote:
> [...]
> If I sound a bit miffed this can be attributed to what I thought would
> be a completely unrelated 10 min change/recompile/test cycle ended up
> to be yak shaving galore expericence which took several hours. Don't
> get me wrong, I know this is "free software" but I'm unhappy in the
> same way one would not be happy if "free beer" would contain some
> extra ingrediences which do not belong in beer in the first place ;-)

As a reminder, none of the active contributors to Heimdal work for
Heimdal.  Those that are employed by AuriStor and Two Sigma work on
Heimdal in sprints.  At least in the case of myself and AuriStor funded
developers, our work on Heimdal is primarily intended to satisfy the
requirements of AuriStor's internal use and its customers.

Over the months you have posted many requests for bug fixes and feature
changes to this mailing list.  To increase the likelihood that someone
will review your request and do something about it, I suggest that you
submit it either as a GitHub Issue


or as a Pull Request


During a future sprint I or other contributors can evaluate it, respond
to it and set a milestone if appropriate.

To be completely honest, I do not review the history of this mailing
list when I have time to work on Heimdal.  There is already more than
enough queued in GitHub for the Heimdal 8 release.  Please help us help
you by filing requests in GitHub.  I for one do not have cycles to spare
to copy reports from this mailing list into GitHub.

Jeffrey Altman

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