Set ticker_interval to 30 

    * ticker_interval (uint): 

The number of seconds to wait between each run of command . Defaults to 15. A 
ticker_interval of 0 indicates that the command is run only once, useful for 
long running processes. 

Retries applies to the plugin itself and not the command it is running 

    * retries (RetryOptions, optional): 

A sub-section that specifies the settings to be used for restart behavior. See 
Configuring Restarting Behavior 

----- Original Message -----

> From: "Kieren Hynd" <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:09:56 AM
> Subject: [heka] ProcessInput retries

> Hi!

> ProcessInput and ProcessDirectoryInput both have a "retries" config in the
> docs, but i'm having trouble making that work - if the "bin" defined in the
> "command"section exits, nothing is restarted. Here's an example of my
> config:

> [ProcessInput]
> parser_type = "token"
> stdout = true
> stderr = true
> ticker_interval = 0

> [ProcessInput.command.0]
> bin = "/path/to/"

> [ProcessInput.retries]
> max_delay = "30s"
> delay = "250ms"
> max_retries = 5

> I've tried various combinations of the above ("" sleeps for a couple of
> seconds then exits with a non-zero status), Heka spits out:

> 2014/10/09 18:01:48 Input 'ProcessInput' error: ProcessInput
> CommandChain::Wait() error: [Subcommand returned an error: [exit status 1]]

> But that's about it.... isn't respawned :(
> Am i wrong in thinking the command should be restarted?

> (i've tried both 0.7.2 and the Git HEAD)

> Cheers,
> -kieren

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