Hi there.

I'm anxious to try out Heka at work.  Most of the apps and hosts I would
use it with run Linux, but I was wondering what I would be able to get by
installing Heka on Windows hosts.  Part of what I liked about Heka, from
what I have read so far, is how fast and simple (from a sysadmin
perspective) it is, so I'd hate to diminish its speed and simplicity by
going through too many gymnastics to implement it usefully on Windows.
Looking at the inputs and decoders I don't see how to use Heka to get
Windows data.  (I've never used anything but Splunk to get Windows data and
that was virtually automatic.)

I guess I could leave Heka as an agent/shipper for Linux hosts only and use
nxlog et al. to ship Windows logs to a central Heka node for processing?

Thanks in advance,
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