Hi Mathieu,

glad I am not alone :)

* Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer <m+h...@thi.eu.com> [2015-05-05 15:15] wrote:
> Wait, I just discovered something, if I switch the offset_method to
> oldest, I get around 5,000 messages/s instead of 1,600?

Very in-line with what I have seen as well. I have observer quite a lot
of IO operations on the offset files
(e.g. ModgenKafkaInput0.logs.0.offset.bin). So moving them to SSD helped a

I do see about 110KB/s per offset file. And heka itself is generating
about 80% of all IOS on the server. iostat shows around 200tps with
peaks at 600tps on the block device which hosts offset files.


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