
On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 04:26:36PM +0200, Jarek Śmiejczak wrote:
>    > Now I'll have to look at why my ElasticSearch output is buffering
>    instead of sending stuff...
>    Could you post your config? There was an issue with blocking queue which
>    was resolved by Rob in 0.9.2.

By blocking, do you mean another issue than this one "Changed default
plugin_chansize setting from 50 to 30 (#1242)."?

Please find below my config: I've tried tweaking so many things without
much results I went back to the default settings.

Using the web dashboard I see around 4k messages filtered by second (as
in 20k every 5 seconds) and that's without decoders (just using
ProtobufDecoder). With decoders it's much slower (around 2k or 3k/s) but
it's expected as I should really rewrite my dual multidecoders to LPEG:
- a protobuf followed by the multidecoder below using the "all" cascade
- a multidecoder with all my regexps in a "first-wins" mode

If I look at CPU/disk usage, there's nothing out of the ordinary: I'm
using 30% of a core and that's about it.

Note that there seems to be an issue with the dashboard where the output
switches from say (this is valid):

     Router             Router          inputRecycleChan        
     503,271            30/30           0/100                   100/100
Messages Processed Messages in Channel  Messages Available      Messages 

to (this is invalid and the 626 million thing is most likely the number
of records in my Kafka):

     Router             Router          inputRecycleChan        
   626,788,390          0/30            300/300                 300/300
Messages Processed Messages in Channel  Messages Available      Messages 

When it happens, the decoder section becomes empty. Note this behavior
is not depend on having decoders enabled.

type = "DashboardOutput"
address = ":4352"
ticker_interval = 5

maxprocs = 2
base_dir = "/home/heka/heka/heka1"
share_dir = "/home/heka/heka/share/heka"

type = "KafkaInput"
topic = "logs"
addrs = [""]
splitter = "KafkaSplitter"
decoder = "ProtobufDecoder""
partition = 0
offset_method = "Oldest"

type = "NullSplitter"
use_message_bytes = true

index = "heka-%{2006.01.02}"
es_index_from_timestamp = true


type = "ElasticSearchOutput"
message_matcher = "TRUE"
server = "";
encoder = "ESJsonEncoder"
use_buffering = false
queue_full_action = "block"

Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer                               m+h...@thi.eu.com
            The sun itself sees not till heaven clears.
                     -- William Shakespeare --
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