
I am a grad student studying at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
I wanted to contribute to Bison through the Google Summer of Code
program and I prepared this proposal.

But somehow in the last minute my university tells me I am not
eligible to participate in that program (and get paid) because I do
not have a US work authorization yet.

I decided to go ahead and contribute independently. That way, even
though I don't get paid, I will (hopefully) learn something. So if
there isn't anyone contributing to the same project through google
summer of code, please consider mentoring me. My aim is to gain a
thorough knowledge of bison internals and practical issues in
implementation of parsing algorithms.

Project title: Implementation of Burke-Fisher Error correction
implementation for bison C output.

pls see attached proposal for details.

                        Google Summer of Code Application
                                Mentor - GNU


5.      RESUME

*********************** NAME / CONTACT INFORMATION 

Satya Kiran Popuri
1062 W Taylor st Apt 2
Chicago IL 60607 USA.
773-780-1101 ( Cell )

*********************** PRJECT TITLE 

GNU Bison: Burke-Fisher Error Correction


To implement Burke-Fisher Error Correction into Bison C output. 


YACC traditionally implements error correction with error productions and the 
inbuilt 'error' token. This requires the grammar writer to clutter her grammar 
with possible error productions. The burden of strategic error recovery is put 
on the grammar writer. 

A global error recovery algorithm like Burke-Fischer error repair can handle 
errors without any explicit error productions in the grammar. The algorithm 
looks for a single token insertion/deletion/replacement to the left of (and 
including) the erroneous token and tries to parse through the error token 
successfully. This strategy is based on the fact that an incorrect token can 
occur in the input string much before the token where the error is actually 
discovered. The algorithm is described in the paper titled "A Practical Method 
for LR and LL Syntactic Error Diagnosis and Recovery" by Michael G. Burke and 
Gerald A. Fisher. The full text of this paper is available from: 


An implementation of the Burke-Fisher Error Correction algorithm requires two 
simultaneous parsers to be generated in the bison output. One parser performs 
shift/reduce actions on the "current" stack and a second "old" parser follows 
the same actions k tokens behind the current parser. When an error is 
encountered, the current parser can call the old parser to try all possible 
single token replacements starting k positions to the left of the current 
token. These k tokens are stored in a steady queue. When the old parser is able 
to parse R=4 tokens ahead, with one of the single token 
insertions/deletions/replacements, we can consider the error to be recovered 

ML-YACC, a parser generator written in ML programming language already offers 
this facility. An ML implementation of the above algorithm is available online 
at: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/fp/courses/95-lp/code/elpsml/base.sml

Semantic Actions:

Since bison is often used to generate parsers for many different languages, we 
cannot guarantee side-affect free semantic actions. Hence the semantic actions 
of the grammar productions reduced by the "current" parser must be deferred 
until the "old" parser has parsed successfully. All semantic actions are 
carried out on the "old stack". The role of the "current" parser is just to 
check syntax.

Additional Bison declarations for error recovery:

When token insertions are  tried, we need some semantic value for the inserted 
token. These values can be supplied by adding a new %value directive to bison. 
Also, the grammar writer will be able to suggest some error corrections for 
token replacement by using the %change declaration as implemented in ML-YACC. 


1.      The changed bison code. Particularly the parser generator part of the 
code will change a lot. Also minor changes to the front end to check for a new 
command line option for Burke-Fisher error recovery mode.

2.      Documentation of all changes made.

*********************** PROJECT SCHEDULE 

1.      May 23 - June 16        Understand Bison code base and do a low level 
design document of the code changes to be made.

2.      June 19- July 21        Make required code changes in bison and do unit 
tests. Also prepare regression and system test cases.

3.      Jul 24 - Aug 13         System testing and regression testing with 
existing bison error mechanism and also the new mechanism implemented.          
4.      Aug 14 - Aug 21         Documentation - Documentation will be carried 
out with the development phase. This final stage is only to refine the 

*********************** QUALIFICATION 

I studied compiler design during spring 2006 at UIC. LR parsing theory was a 
large part of the curriculum. I used Bison to generate a parser and abstract 
syntax tree for a small subset of C as part of the course (see 
http://satyakiran.googlepages.com/cminus for details). But this was only a toy 
compiler. Now I want to explore real world problems. I think a compiler 
compiler will enable me to understand things more deeply than just a compiler. 

Another important reason for taking up this project is that I always wanted to 
contribute to free software, but never got a chance. I thought now is a good 
time and opportunity to dive into the world of free software.  

*********************** RESUME ***********************************************

Please visit http://satyakiran.googlepages.com/hresume.html to view my resume. 

*********************** REFERENCES 

1. Prof V.N. VenkataKrishnan, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois 
a Chicago, Chicago, IL. Ph: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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