Le 9 mai 06 à 00:31, Satya Kiran a écrit :


I am a grad student studying at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
I wanted to contribute to Bison through the Google Summer of Code
program and I prepared this proposal.

But somehow in the last minute my university tells me I am not
eligible to participate in that program (and get paid) because I do
not have a US work authorization yet.

Too bad.  I am sorry to read this, your proposal does seem sound.

I decided to go ahead and contribute independently. That way, even
though I don't get paid, I will (hopefully) learn something. So if
there isn't anyone contributing to the same project through google
summer of code, please consider mentoring me. My aim is to gain a
thorough knowledge of bison internals and practical issues in
implementation of parsing algorithms.

Well, this will depend whether this proposal is assigned or
not: several other candidates picked this topic.  Because Google
does not want student to work on the same topic, it would be
troublesome if you and a SOC'ed student worked together.

Nevertheless, even if BF error recovery is selected, there are
other tasks that can be assigned on Bison.  Your collaboration
would be most welcome.

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