On Wed, 17 May 2006, Derek M Jones wrote:

> > > I was hoping to dynamically catch all the ambiguities so they
> > > could be counted and analyzed in more detail (I plan to turn
> > > all by %dprecs into %merge).
> > 
> > Ah, I thought I had seen you before on this list.  Again, you're hoping for
> > a pre-split user action.  Still, no one seems interested enough to actually
> > write the implementation.
> I did look into implementing it, but ended up with scrambled brain.

Maybe that's the difficulty others are facing as well.

> Perhaps if Satya Kiran does a good job of documenting Bison
> internals

I too am looking forward to this.

> I will have more luck figuring out what needs to be done.

In the meantime, it might be worthwhile to work out the exact 
functionality you envision by discussing it on this list.  Once you (or 
someone else who gets interested) is ready to write it, it will then stand 
a better chance of being accepted -- and being accepted without an 
extensive rewrite.

Today, the name "conflict action" appeals to me.  In other words, it's a 
user action to run upon encountering any conflict.  Now, what exactly do 
you envision the action doing?  Specifically, what inputs and outputs do 
you need?  How should a conflict action be declared?

Your example in this thread has helped me to see some uses I didn't see 
the last time we discussed this, but I'd rather first hear more from 
people (like you) who actually have real world applications planned.


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