You should be able to use the function yyerror to capture the debug
messages. The function prototype would be like this in a re-entrant parser -

int yyerror(void *ctxt, const char *msg)
 if ( 0 == yytext[0] )
   return fprintf(stderr, "\n%s.", msg);
   return fprintf(stderr, "\n%s at '%s'.", msg, asntext);

I believe the ctxt would not be there in a non re-entrant version (globals
being used if context information is required). You can use this function to
do what you want with the message. Hope this helps.

"Chaos is the rule in nature, not an exception"

On 10/26/06, Bob Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Using Bison version 2.3 (Cygwin), I have incorporated the resulting C
file into a Windows app, however, I'm having trouble figuring out how
to debug the parser.  I've #define YYDEBUG 1, and set yydebug to 1,
but the output is going to fprintf (stderr, ...) which doesn't help a
Windows app.

It seems that the formatting and output of the debugging information
are all bound up into one #define.  I want the first part, but not the

I already have a debugging window for my app defined, so I'd like to
capture the output and display it in that window (it's a Listbox).

* I tried AllocConsole () hoping that the stderr output would go
there, but nothing was displayed.

* I tried redefining yacc.c, and then using -S myyacc.c, but it
appears to rely upon an external program m4 which didn't seem to get
called, so the C compiler choked on the m4 stuff.  That was puzzling
as I would think that it would be called for the default skeleton

* I tried defining YYFPRINTF but I couldn't come up with anything that
worked, mostly because of the variable number of arguments.

I'm sure that you clever people have solved this tricky problem
before.  Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.



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