Here's a hack to do what I want:

#define YYDEBUG 1
#define YYFPRINTF yyfprintf

void yyfprintf
    (FILE *hfile,           // Ignore this
     char *lpszFmt,         // Format string
     ...)                   // Zero or more arguments

    va_list vl;
    int     i1, i2, i3;
    static char szTemp[256] = {'\0'};
    char    szTemp2[128];

    va_start (vl, lpszFmt);

    // Bison uses no more than three arguments.
    // Note we must grab them separately this way
    //   as using va_arg in the argument list to
    //   wsprintf pushes the arguments in reverse
    //   order.
    i1 = va_arg (vl, int);
    i2 = va_arg (vl, int);
    i3 = va_arg (vl, int);

    wsprintf (szTemp2,
    // Accumulate into local buffer because
    //   Bison calls this function multiple
    //   times for the same line, terminating
    //   the last call for the line with a LF.
    lstrcat (szTemp, szTemp2);

    // Check last character.
    i1 = lstrlen (szTemp);

    // If it's a LF, it's time to flush the buffer.
    if (szTemp[i1 - 1] EQ '\n')
        szTemp[i1 - 1] = '\0';  // Remove trailing LF
                                //   because we're displaying
                                //   in a GUI.
        DbgMsg (szTemp);        // Display in my debugger window.

        szTemp[0] = '\0';       // Restart the buffer.
    } // End IF/ELSE

    va_end (vl);
} // End yyfprintf

On 10/26/2006 11:58 AM, Bob Smith wrote:
I must be missing something. I am already using yyerror () to capture error messages ("syntax error", "memory exhausted", etc.), but I want to capture debugging output as well. That output is, by default, sent directly to stderr by the YYFPRINTF #define.

Also, I see no reference to a global yytext in the C output file (perhaps you meant ctxt?).

Sorry, but I don't see how yyerror can be used to accomplish this.

On 10/26/2006 2:50 AM, Ramaswamy R wrote:
You should be able to use the function yyerror to capture the debug
messages. The function prototype would be like this in a re-entrant parser -

int yyerror(void *ctxt, const char *msg)
 if ( 0 == yytext[0] )
   return fprintf(stderr, "\n%s.", msg);
   return fprintf(stderr, "\n%s at '%s'.", msg, asntext);

I believe the ctxt would not be there in a non re-entrant version (globals being used if context information is required). You can use this function to
do what you want with the message. Hope this helps.


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