wow, I don't know. You must be clear on something here. Are you planning to
debug the compiler or the generated DLL ?

My idea of events is that you have a grammar for that script language. Now
you write a compiler to parse source code written in that language and
generate a DLL . Is this correct?  or does the compiler itself become the

In the later case, if the compiler itself  is a DLL and your debugger is
working on it, it will find the lines in your grammar file
(parse-script.ysay) for the script language.  (NOT the source lines of
the script file and
NOT the souce lines in the generated file)

Supposing thats not the case. Then the scenario is same as any other
compiler. The gcc compiler compiles C source code to an executable file. If
you compile for use with gdb (with -g option),  you can attach gdb to the
executable. Your case must not be too different, except you generate a DLL
instead of an executable.

The question then is how that works (i.e how exaclty the -g option works).
How do you compile source code for use with a debugger ? I don't know. You
are better off asking this question on comp.compilers as suggested by Hans.
This has nothing to do with Bison again.


On 1/11/07, Sandon Racowsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So if I'm understanding you correctly, I need create something along the
lines of a C macro that appends line numbers around blocks of bison actions
while simultaneously creating my own debugging profile db, so that when I
encounter the C line numbers, I can reference the original source by doing a
quick lookup in the db?

On 1/11/07, Satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oooh.. complicated situation :) The bison generated C parser uses #line
> compiler directives to point to the line in the .y file while debugging.
> i.e., if you have a file like grammar.y and generate using
> bison, and try to debug, the debugger can point to
> corresponding lines in grammar.y while you single step.
> what you are doing is grammar. y ==> ==> add some more
> files ==> compiler for your custom script language that generates DLLs. You
> have to figure out a way to embed line number and file name information in
> your  DLL  such that when it is debugged, the debugger has sufficient
> knowledge to point back to the lines in script file. How to do that -- i
> know not. Also, it has nothing to do with bison.
> satya.
> On 1/11/07, Hans Aberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> > On 11 Jan 2007, at 19:44, Jachyra wrote:
> >
> > > If I use bison to essentially parse my
> > > language and generate C code (which gets compiled to a windows
> > > binary), and
> > > then create a debugger that attaches to the DLL that was compiled
> > > in debug
> > > mode (for the sake of argument, lets say I'm just using dbg), will
> > the
> > > debugging information I get from the debugger refer to the lines
> > > and symbols
> > > in the code that was written in my custom language, or will it be
> > > reffering
> > > to lines and symbols that are in the bison generated "C" code?
> >
> > Currently, you only get to debug the parser C-code, and will have to
> > use to special techniques to debug the parser itself. But Satya is
> > working on a debugger format for the parser itself, so that one can
> > follow the position in the .y file. But this may not what you are
> > asking for - your project probably asks fro a debugger for the
> > compiler of the language you are implementing. If you do not get moe
> > info in this mailing list, you might try the Usenet newsgroup
> > comp.compilers, and its FAQ, posted there monthly.
> >
> >    Hans Aberg
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Work expands to fill the time available for its completion (Parkinson's
> law).
> <>

Work expands to fill the time available for its completion (Parkinson's

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